
Friday, February 19, 2010

Five February Favorites.......

1) I love it in the Desert Southwest this time of year because I love the chance to garden in February. With sunny days and temperatures in the 70's all week, I have wanted nothing more than to be outside. Not that I've been toiling in the dirt every minute......there has been plenty of backyard swing time for relaxing, writing, and of course my absolute favorite pastime of reading. Now the weather forecast for the next three days is rain so I'll be moving it inside temporarily.......and I'm thinking right off the top of my head that maybe I'll be watching some favorite dvd's while I'm at it......maybe a cozy fire, a window opened (just enough to smell the garden as it rains), and some movies like "The Secret Garden" and "Singing in the Rain". Have any more suggestions for rainy/and or garden themed movies?

2) One of my favorite roses, and always a great performer, is Joseph's Coat. Isn't it lovely? It's a great rose ( it acts as a full-blown climber here) and it consistently puts on a show in February and throughout the year..... even in our hot summers! I've always been amazed that it has performed better in my garden than in my father-in-law's gorgeous San Diego Garden (go here if you want to see my post about his backyard). He was so disappointed in his plant that he finally took it out......and he's impressed with mine ......go figure.

3) Speaking of rain.....I was so excited when I downloaded pics of our last rain. The photos of the beautiful rainbow outside our front door turned out so well. The skies were beginning to clear but I knew there wasn't much daylight left. If you're anything like me you're always wanting to get that perfect shot......and we know how that usually goes......but I was very pleased with these. Rainbows can't help but make you happy......and taking decent pictures of them makes you feel pretty good too. :)

4) This is one of my better looking watering cans. I have a couple of others that have seen better days.....I keep using them of course but they don't look that good anymore. No matter what kind of watering system that is set up in your garden, nothing takes the place of a watering can....... One of those things you can't do without. I was determined to take a photo of mine ( there's a first time for everything) and so I just quickly took it where it had been last left. As it turns out you're now able to see one of the corners in my garden that needs attention! That's not what I intended, but I'm going to blame the weeds in this corner on the recent rains. Yep, that's what I'm doing.

5) Finally this last favorite thing about this February is that it is my middle sister Joan's birthday fact her birthday is tomorrow. Here is a photo of her 5th birthday. I'm on her left and my baby sister Jane is on the right. Joan recently had some very serious complications during a routine surgery and had to be hospitalized for several days. She went through a rough time but praise the Lord she is home now, doing well, with a good Dr's report. The Lord is so good! I'm particularly grateful to be able to wish her a happy birthday this year! So Happy Birthday Sister. Love you much.

This post is linked to the following lovely blogs. Be sure to drop by and check each one out. Their individual buttons can be found in my sidebar. Enjoy!

ABC Wednesday....#6

Friday's Fave Five at Living to Tell the Story

Inspired By.... at The Inspired Room

Looking at the Sky Friday at Crazy Working Mom

Friday Fertilizer at Tootsie Time

Friday Fragments at Half Past Kissin' Time

Finding Beauty at Dippity Road

Skywatch Friday at Skywatch Friday

Today's Flowers at Today's Flowers

Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home


Unknown said...

Elaine, These are great favorites. I'd love to be able to garden in February! I especially love your rainbow picture. It did turn out great!


Anna said...

That rainbow turned out great! I love the pink in the sky, too.

Splendid Little Stars said...

The rainbow in the sky is especially cool because of the sunset colors.
Happy Birthday to Joan! (It's my birthday month as well.)
I wonder how the rose would do in the Midwest....

Patti said...

What a lovely post! I like that watering can. I need to get a nicer one for myself this spring. I have time, though. We have snow on the ground, still....Can't wait for spring.

Your rainbow photo in the pink sky is gorgeous. Great capture!

I daresay I looked like your sister Joan when I was 5. Same hairdo, same hair color. Wow.

John B. said...

Lovely rainbow!

Karyn said...

Great list. The rose is beautiful! My garden is still under a couple feet of snow and won't be ready for any seeds until mid May at the earliest.

Great shot of the rainbow!

The birthday photo puts you at about the same age as me....LOL the hair, the clothes.....

BTW, Happy Birthday to your sis! Glad she is 'all better'

Ginny said...

Really enjoyed this post, Elaine. Here in California we are gardening already too. One of my favorite things to do this time of year. I don't have a Joseph's Coat rose but my neighbor does....hers does really well too....she has it in full sun and it seems to love it. I think you guys must get our weather a day or so after us. We've had some more rain too. Well, looks like I'm just rambling on and on. Oh, one more thing. Glad Joan is better. I know how you must feel about her. My sisters are my best friens too. :) Cute pic of you guys.


Ginny said...

Me again! I just remembered I wanted to suggest Sleepless in Seattle as a good cozy "rain" movie! A personal favorite.


Susanne said...

Thanks for joining us in Fave Fives Elaine! Love you pictures they are so nice. I can't even imagine gardening in February. Your rose is gorgeous and you'd probably love nikkipolani's blog as she post lots of pics of her rose garden. Her link is in the fave fives Mr. Linky if you're interested.

Kathy said...

Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Thank you sister!It made me want to look at the picture you gave me for Christmas with all three of us girls standing on the front porch with big smiles on our faces. I'll always remember what you wrote across the top, "Sisters are a part of childhood that can never be lost". You are a treasure!

Carolee Hollenback said...

I want to garden- along way off here in NY!

Happy Birthday to your sis

Stopping by from Friday Frags

Willow said...

Since I am sitting in my daughter's home in San Diego right now, I'll have to go and check out that SD garden!

I'm glad your sister is better now too!

Have a great weekend over there in the desert.

Looking @ The Sky on Friday said...

Rainbows are beautiful and you're right that they do always make me smile! :) Thanks for making me smile. Beautiful shot. So glad you played along.

Hope you're having a great weekend.


Prairiemaid said...

Coming by from Friday Fragments. Love your pictures.

Mom had that rose and it has always been one of my favorites.

Spring cannot arrive fast enough for me! I can't wait to play in the dirt.

Stop by sometime.
~ Cheryl

Sylvia K said...

Great list of favorites! Beautiful rainbow shot! And a Happy Birthday to your sister! Enjoy the rest of your week!


Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful pictures! Happy birthday to your sis!

Jama said...

Awesome shot of the rainbow!

LeAnn said...

I loved these favorites, they were beautiful!

photowannabe said...

Love your Fevruary favorites and your rainbow is just lovely.

Kcalpesh said...

Interesting writing! Nice photos :-) All in all an entertaining post!!

Pixellicious Photos

Maria's Space said...

Very nice. I love all of them but the pitcher in the tall grass is stunning. It is very easy on the eyes.

I host a Self Portrait Sunday meme that I would love to invite you to join.

Mara said...

Gardening in February? I don't even do it at the height of summer (when my garden could use some severe gardening).

Anyway, about those garden/rain themed films? I've seen a British film a while ago, it was called Green Fingers, about a group of prisoners designing a garden for a major British garden show. One of the stars is Clive Owen, who is yummy to look at however much you like the film.

jay said...

It is indeed a gorgeous rose! Such a beautiful combination of colours.

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

Roger Owen Green said...

Love the family foto, er, photo, but of course, the rainbow's rad.

Troy said...

Those are fine favorites, and your rainbow is absolutely fantastic.

Autumn Belle said...

The rainbow picture is what I will never get bored of seeing. You post today is filled with beautiful pictures which brings a smile and a great start to a new day.

Claudya Martinez said...

Enjoy your garden. I love the watering can. The rainbow picture is gorgeous.

Happy Birthday to your sister.

I also wanted to thank you so much for your kind comment on my SITs day. You made me smile.