
Monday, November 15, 2010

The Seasonal Romantic

When the weather begins to cool down isn't it fun to cozy up your house a bit, whether you live where the winters are very cold or just mildly chilly? I always enjoy changing things around according to the seasons and with winter coming on I've been doing a few things here and there with that in mind.

This is a smallish print by the popular Scottish painter Jack Vettriano that I love to have in our Master Bedroom, especially during the winter. The colors seem "just right" and the title of this incredibly romantic scene is "Back Where You Belong".

I think the painting goes especially well with yet another hydrangea arrangement that I recently put together. I wasn't planning on bringing anymore hydrangeas home from my father-in-law's San Diego garden, but when I found out his gardener was planning to prune them all down this month.....well I just couldn't help myself.....I had to bring some more home. I promise this will be the last hydrangea post I'll be doing for awhile....I think.

In the evening this little table-top vignette looks so pretty when the wall candles are lit and it smells heavenly with the aroma bowl burning as well. My current favorite essential oil to burn in this room is Jasmine, but there are so many lovely fragrances to pick from it's hard to stick to just one. I'm currently on the search for a pleasant little "Christmasey" aroma that isn't too overpowering. Any suggestions?
Here's to the beautiful, romantic holiday season coming up,


  1. Those hydrangeas a re just lovely!! I could have them in my house year round. They dry well, too. I also love your Vettriano print. I have the one with the couple dancing on the beach in the rain with the maid and butler holding umbrellas. I love his work!!

    Happy Monday, Elaine!


  2. Very,very pretty! I love using candles everywhere in the house and the oil wamers too. I'd like to find a nice Christmas scent too that doesn't smell like a pine cleaner LOL

  3. New follower here from one of the hops!

  4. Very romantic indeed.

    Have you tried juniper?

  5. Beautiful vignette. Love the picture and the flowers are gorgeous. Great display. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  6. I love Jack Vettriano and I love how you've showcased this one in your Master Bedroom. Very romantic and I think perfect for this time of year.

  7. That looks absolutely gorgeous!

    Stopping in to return your follow from FMBT!

  8. Beautiful arrangement. I love how you kept it is very effective and romantic. I found a website that has recipes for aromatherapy oils and they are for Christmas scents. I think I will try them out and thought I'd share the site with you since you're looking for a new holiday scent. The site address is

    Holiday Hugs,

  9. Elaine, I just love the look one gets with lamplight. Your room looks so soft and comfy. The print say's it all!

  10. Hi there! Just stopping by from Follow Me Back Tuesday blog hop.
    Feel free to check out my blog, What’s on my Mind:
    Take care and make it a great day!

  11. What a great picture and the title is perfect! The whole area is beautiful..lamp, flowers etc. Thanks for following me, I'm going to enjoy following you back! Thanks for showing interest in my WheelchairDecor shoppe! I have several covers for boys and moms, with more being listed tomorrow, I also do custom orders!
    Have a lovely evening!

    Thanks, Becky Jane
    Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed...well worth it, but...OUCH!

  12. Thanks for stopping by today! Love your blog and that picture and the Hydrangeas are beautiful!
    My hubby is allergic to them or that is all I would have in the house!!

  13. Your decor is lovely. I love the hydrangeas. What a gorgeous color!

  14. WhatEVER.... you're not fifty-something!! You look great :)and I love the blog.

    Following you back from

    I married my high school sweetheart too :D (well, actually my elementry school sweetheart, if there's such a thing)


  15. Thanks so much for stopping by, I am your newest follower!

  16. Thx for stopping by!! I am following you now too!!! Your blog is way cute!!!

    Simple as 1-2-3


  17. Love fall colors.

    Fellow Blog Hopper:)

  18. Everything looks so pretty! You have a very good eye for color and detail. I've always admired your decor.

  19. Very pretty!
    I'm now following from the blog hop. You can follow me at

  20. I'm in love with that Jack Vettriano print! I may have to get one! It's so romantic!

  21. Hi Elaine! Thank you so much for coming over and following! I am returning the favor:)
    I love this color scheme! It is so warm and inviting, and the picture is perfect in your bedroom :)
    The hydrangeas are amazing. Here in Minnesota, it is so nice to see your posts with gorgeous FRESH flowers!
    Faith's Firm Foundation
