
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Neiman Marcus Bars

On our recent ( all too short) visit to see family in Camarillo we had dinner one evening at my baby sister Jane's house. I always call her "baby " sister and I think she likes that even though there is only two and a half years separating us ( and we have another sister in between us.....people always told my Mom she might as well have had triplets). Anyway, at the ages we all three find ourselves now I'd guess I'd enjoy being called the "baby" too.
She had her house beautifully decorated for's just a little shot in the entryway. After dinner we all enjoyed our cups of hot coffee with not just one, but two desserts , one of which I'm featuring today. Neiman Marcus Bars. Since I've eaten at her place so many times over the years I was surprised that I had never tried these. By the way, these are also known as Vacuum Cleaner Cookies.....I think after you taste them the reason for that name will be obvious.

Not long after she gave me the recipe, I made these for my father-in-law. He has the habit of having a little something sweet everynight before going to bed. One of his current favorites had been to have a warm brownie (click here for my Brownie recipe post) topped with vanilla ice cream. Now I think he's hooked on Neiman Marcus Bars. Obviously this little "bedtime habit" of his hasn't done him much harm..........he'll soon be 91 years old! In any case he gives a big stamp of approval on these.
Neiman Marcus Bars
1 box of Yellow Cake Mix
1 box (1lb) powdered sugar
1 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup margarine (not butter)
3 eggs
1 cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)
1 cup coconut
Heat oven to 325 degrees
Mix cake mix, 1 egg, and margarine until well blended. Spread mixture into a well-greased jelly roll pan or a large cookie sheet with sides.
Beat other 2 eggs slightly and add powdered sugar and cream cheese. Beat until blended then stir in nuts and coconut. Spread evenly over mixture in pan.
Bake @ 325 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes, or until golden brown. You can serve these warm with vanilla ice cream or let them cool and cut into bars. (makes about 35 bars)



  1. Your newest follower from the Friday blog hop! Would love for you to follow me back at

  2. Oh this sounds so yummy. I need to make them. The entry hall at your sisters is beautiful. Thanks for the recipe. Hugs, Marty

  3. I've seen a few versions of Neiman Marcus cookies/bars over the years, but I don't think I've seen the recipe include a boxed cake mix. At any rate, your father in law sounds like my kind of guy! Happy FF.


  4. Boy do these look delicious! They look like they'd be really easy to make too! I love that part!

  5. Hi am a new follower from Social Parade!


  6. They look fab and I love your FIL idea to have a spot of something sweet before bed -- maybe that HAS contributed to his longevity. Pecans and coconut sound yummy to me and they would whip up quickly using the cake mix. Joni

  7. hi there. can we say... yum! your newest social parade blog hop follower. happy soon to be *friday*. would *love* a follow back. you can find me at:

    lots of FUN giveaways... come by and enter!

  8. Two desserts? What a great sister! Have a great weekend!

  9. sounds delish! I might have to try them.

    New follower from Social Parade.

    Would love if you stop by when you get a a chance and follow back.

  10. GORGEOUS entryway!!! WOW!!

    I am a new follower from the blog hop...hoping you can stop by and follow me sometime at my review and giveaway blog. Here is the link:

    I do have several blogs, but this one is the one I need followers on. Thanks so much and Happy Friday!

  11. Sounds like your sister is quite the hostess. Have to try these bars especially since they look like they would be pretty quick to throw together...always a plus this time of year. :) I really like her entryway decor. What a great shot of her Michaelangelo painting that is reflected in the mirror!

  12. Very nice! Very Yummy looking! If your father-in-law still has his 'sweet tooth" habit at 91, more power to him. Makes me feel not quite so quilty about mine! :)

  13. Hi, I'm following from Java's 40 & Over Blog Hop and would love it if you'd stop by and followed me back!

    Love the Milne quote you have at the top of your blog. Winnie and friends hold very special memories for me.

    I plan to try those yummy looking Neiman Marcus Bars soon. Made my mouth water just reading the recipe! Have a great weekend!

    Martha from

  14. Do I see neiman marcus and boxed cake mix in the same recipe? I love it... another friday's favorite for sure :-)

  15. Hi! I've never had these before but they sound tasty! I like that they seem easy to make too.

    I'm a new follower from the Friday blog hops. My hubby and I have a room by room tour of our house underway, cutie pups, and a newly organized gift wrapping stash. Please stop by to visit and follow us too when you get a chance.

    Enjoy the weekend! :)

  16. Hi! I’m a new follower please come follow me!

    Happy Friday!
    - April

  17. New follower from Friday Hop - please follow BabyDealsDujour We list all the baby daily deals in real-time.

  18. I am so making these!!! Thanks!

    I'm following from the 40 and over hop!

    Kristin :)
    Keenly Kristin

  19. I'm going to try those!

  20. Hi
    I have heard of Neiman Marcus Bars but I have never tasted them. I will print out this recipe and give it a go. By the way, thank you for visiting My Cozy Corner. I love to visit blogs and when I reply I find some awesome ones. Your's being one of them.

  21. I'm following from the Cornucopia Blog Hop - thanks for checking out my blog! Also thanks for the very sweet comment - it's always wonderful to meet other women who truly love(d) staying at home and really appreciate it!

  22. I am your newest follower from FMBT. Have a great week.
