
Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Great Rose Decision

Okay, this is not really a post about a BIG rose the entire scheme of things it's just a little one.......but it sounded good in the title didn't it ? Actually these are photos of a lovely pink rose bush that is at the property we are renovating in San Diego. It's a beautiful potted miniature rose that has just bloomed non-stop for several months now.
At times it's covered with dozens and dozens of perfect little pink blossoms. We've only been able to be at the property sporadically so it has not received any special attention from me at all. Still it is one of the most prolific bloomers I've ever seen. It belonged to my husband's brother John who passed away suddenly this past summer........ he was a terrific gardener and he had obviously taken excellent care of it.
My dilemma has been that, while it absolutely is a lovely addition to the property and will certainly help it show well as we place it on the market.........and I certainly do want the place to be as lovely as we can make it.......but I really really really really love this little rose......and I want it to bring it home with me! Jim says I should, but it looks so perfect sitting right there at the entry to the front door.
Still , I think you all know what I'm probably..... okay for sure.... going to do. Right after Thanksgiving, right before we list the property, I'm going to load that pot right into our van and bring it to it's new home in Phoenix......I think John would like that.
Remembering with fondness those we've loved,


  1. New follower via Follow Me Friday :)

  2. Elaine, I love the pink roses and of course you should take it home. I love the sentiment behind it!

  3. I am in complete agreement with you. That rose is just crying out to you to take it home where it will be a constant reminder.

    Go to a nursery and get another pink flowering pot, maybe a geranium which will do just as well to pretty the place up.

  4. I am a new follower and I think you should take it home!

  5. Ha ha.. load that pot into the van and take that sweet baby rose home with you:) It's too beautiful to leave it there. I am now following you thanks to Social Parade on Friday and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday :) Happy Friday!

  6. Taking it home is like keeping a bit of John alive. You might replace the pot with another miniature rose and see how it does. This is just the sweetest post, Elaine!


  7. Of course you should keep the rose because of course he would want you to. What a lovely post with loving thoughts behind it! And the roses are beautiful!

  8. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Friday link up! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:)
    You can find me at

    Take a peek at my giveaways if you come by. Everything is handmade and GORGEOUS! I have 5 going on right now:)

  9. Absolutely!
    I smile everytime I see my mom's iris's bloom.
    another friday's favorite for sure :-)

  10. I agree! Take that beautiful rose home!

  11. I can sure understand how you have such a warm affection for Jack, Elaine. He's really special. A nice tradition. That's so cute about the kids' imaginations of him coming to life in your attic. Maybe I'll have to make a Jack, someday. I enjoy reading your posts, Elaine. You're a talented writer. Oh, and I'm glad you're keeping your pink rose. :)"

  12. Following from the blog hop, hope you can follow back.
    God Bless,

  13. Thanks for stopping by today! I am now following you back!

    Shanee at Adventures of a Thrifty Mommy

  14. Lovely roses and lovely thought! Of course, you must move them. I do love the flowers that grow so easily in San Diego. It's where my son and daughter-in-law live now, and I always enjoy seeing the flowers that do well when given some loving care.

    I'm your newest follower!

  15. Of course you're gonna take it with you! It's beautiful -- and holds such wonderful memories for your family. May it make many more with you for years to come!

  16. Ha, ha, ha I am so glad you ended your post with a plan to load it in to your van and take it home! It truly is beautiful!

    Thank you for stopping by and following me today! I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Have a great weekend!


  17. I'm your newest follower from the blog hop. Thank you!!

  18. Following From Welcome Weekend

  19. Thanks for stopping by. Great blog you have. I'm following you back. Jamie @

  20. I'm so glad you are taking it home! I'm a new follower from WW!

  21. Hi there!

    I'm your newest follower and I would love for you to stop by and follow me back!

    Be sure to enter my giveaways while you're there!

    Cheers from Being Frugal & Making It Work!

  22. Thanks for stopping by Elaine! I'm glad you're taking the roses! It is a great decision! ~Jamie

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me! I'm following you now.

  24. Beautiful rose!!

    My Flower post. Have a great week ahead!

  25. Very Beautiful...New follower from the blog hop:)

    Forest Rose

  26. beautiful shade of pink. i think you should bring it home.:p

  27. wow! just stunning....:)

    thanks for dropping by on my entry...sorry for the late visit!

  28. beautiful roses, beautiful sentiment, yes definitely take them with you. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop and for your bloggy friendship xo
