
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jack is Back!

This was my very first post, all about Jack the I'm linking with
Sunday Favorites where we post past favorites thanks to Cheri at Happy to Design .
Jack is still special around our house......hope you enjoy reading about him.

It's always kind of sad, but after sitting on our porch swing from October 1st until Thanksgiving, our family scarecrow Jack has to return to the attic for another 9 months of relaxation. Actually we aren't always sure what he does up there all year when we're not watching. The two youngest ones in our family, the two 5 year olds, are pretty sure he can talk......and they're convinced they've seen him move.

I made him when my youngest son Christopher was in Kindergarten ( and he's 19 now!) So Jack has been in the family for awhile now.

He loves to travel around town........over the years he's been to parties, hayrides, and presided over Harvest Carnivals. He's had his picture taken with young and old. He's quite a social fellow.....never met anyone he didn't like.....or anyone who didn't like him. If he had a Facebook page he'd be the guy with all the friends!

While there's a video tape floating around somewhere of him dancing with several lovely young ladies here in Phoenix, his favorite date has always been my Mom. Here they are a few years back at a church party. He was her constant companion on a 1998 hayride when she was trying to ignore the unwanted attentions of a much older gentleman who shall remain nameless. He finally got the hint.....Jack had saved the day. He's really quite the ladies man.

But at heart he's a real family he is with grandaughters Kylie, Kenedee, and Christian last year.

This year, just like every other year, nobody wants to say goodbye.........a quick kiss from the aforementioned 5 year olds........grandaughters Fiona and Kenedee. Love ya, Jack.


  1. Hi Elaine...

    Welcome to Sunday Favorites, my friend! It's so nice to have you join in with the fun of our Sunday repost party. What a great post to revisit...I love Jack! And...I can see that he is very well loved by all who meets him! Such sweet photos of your son when he was little and your granddaughters with Jack! Ohhh my goodness, I loved the story about Jack accompanying your mom on the hayride! That is just a hoot!!! Thanks so much for sharing this fun post with us for Sunday Favorites...I loved it!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. Elaine, I've been following your blog from the beginning and I do remember Jack! Love this post and I'm glad you reposted it!

  3. Jack is so cute. You should do a tutorial on how to make him! ;)

  4. Jack is obviously very handsome and a very popular guy. I'm understanding that he doesn't have to go back into the attic until after Thanksgiving, right? What a fun tradition for your family!

  5. Elaine, I would love to have Jack in our family! In fact I definitely will be making one because my twins will be three years old this time next year and I know they will have fun with a Jack sitting on our front porch swing! I'm sure your son enjoyed him as he grew up and I loved your little granddaughters reactions to him! Priceless!

  6. What did you use to make Jack's head? It looks like it? And for stuffing did you use regular cushion stuffing or could you use old materials and such. If you've had him that long he certainly is in good shape for his age! What do you store him in to keep him looking so good? I'm just so curious. I want to make one. Oh, one more thing. Are those fabric paints you used to draw on his face? I'm assuming it is. What a cute expression he has on his face!
    Tammy :D

  7. I love traditions! I'm sure he means as much to the family as he does to you. :O)

  8. I love that guy! I just plain like fall decorations. So pretty.

  9. Love to read your blog!

  10. Jack must be a famous star as he really shine's with everyone. He's so delighful.

  11. Hi...was reading your current post, then clicked on your sidebar pic of Jack. He's absolutely adorable! I suppose that now that it's September again that he's out on your porch swing by now. He's sure looks good for his age. You must take good care of him! hee hee! I am certainly going to have to try my hand at making my own "Jack". I know my kids will love him! What a great family tradition so thanks for the wonderful idea. :)
