
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Vintage Easter Party

This is simply Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit out for a Saturday stroll. Except, I imagine, this isn't just an ordinary Saturday......this is on a Saturday before Easter. They've been gathering goodies for their Easter dinner. Mrs. Rabbit has not been able to resist picking lovely yellow flowers for the table, while her husband has loaded up his basket with big fat juicy carrots. As they walk they talk casually, intimately, comfortably, as only a husband and wife can. Their hearts are full as they think about their home, their large rambunctious family, the wondrous Spring they're surrounded by, and the wonderful gift the entire world has been given.
He is Risen!
Happy Eastertime
Today I'm joining Joan for the Vintage Easter Party @ Anything Goes Here. Be sure to drop by and join in the fun!


  1. What a great husband and wife team. Helping each other out with Easter celebrations! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  2. Oh this is SO sweet! You made my day!

  3. Elaine...Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit are so adorable! Where did you get them? Have you had them long? They look like treasures! It looks like you could fill the baskets with anything you want. Most of my Easter decorations are newer things....I'll admit I would love to have these. :)

    Happy Eastertime to you too,

  4. Awwww, what a sweet post! What a great way to spend the day, picking flowers and gathering carrots with a loved one!
    Happy Easter!

  5. Cute rabbits and a cute story to go with them.

  6. So very cute! I am glad Mrs and Mr Rabbit are getting ready as I am running behind as usual!

    bee blessed

  7. answer your questions...The bunnies originally belonged to my husband's great-aunt Nettie who was very adept at hand-painting dishes and porcelain pieces. We think she painted these two sometime in the 40's. I'm so happy to have just recently inherited them. And you're right..the baskets can be filled with anything you like! So glad you enjoyed seeing them. :)

  8. What a sweet, sweet story about your rabbits! I just read in your comment above that you inherited them from a great-aunt. That makes them even more special, doesn't it? I've inherited a few pieces from family members over the years and I wouldn't part with them for anything. It looks like these guys have taken on a life of their own. Enjoy them!

    Happy Easter,

  9. Oh this couple is so sweet. I love that there are the two of them. These are a treasure for life.
    Happy Easter

  10. Delightful, thanks for showing us!!!

  11. I enjoyed meeting Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit. They are a wonderful pair of rabbits.

  12. I love your little planters. And how special that these sweet treasures belonged to your husband's Great Aunt. I enjoyed your story and your blog. Have a Blessed Easter,
    Mimi :)

  13. I'm a new Friday Follower! Visit me at and sign up for my first giveaway!

  14. Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit are certainly ahead of schedule. I'm sure they've gotten a lot accomplished..the Mr. looks a bit tired from hauling that large bundle of carrots around I suspect. Thanks for sharing these treasures today. (By the look waaaaay too young to have 6 grands!)

  15. Awwww the rabbit couple is so sweet... I have a thing for rabbits with baskets on their backs... so fun to decorate :-)
    Thanks for visiting me:-)

  16. Thank you for your visit today. Im glad you liked the chick oil paintings. They are hard to find. Have a good day. Julian

  17. Tooo cute!! Hope you and Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit all have a wonderful Easter :) Judi

  18. Awww, they are adorable. I'd love to join them in picking flowers and perhaps hiding Easter eggs along the way!

  19. gorgeous rabbits! I'm having so much fun hopping over to see everyone's Easter goodies, and yours were a treat! Suzie

  20. Happy Easter to you and Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit.

  21. SUch a sweet couple!
    Happy Easter!

  22. Oh what a cute made them come alive for me. I need a pair like that in my home. I don't have children yet and sometimes I think I put off doing "fun" things in my home until I do. My husband of two years tells me I should go ahead, that it'll be good practice.....and that he likes it too. You've inspired me. I read your last post too about the Easter Bunny cake. Maybe I should give that a try this year....I KNOW
    Nick would love that! LOL

    I want to "follow" you but I don't have a blog. I'll send you an e-mail and maybe you can send me one back letting me know how to do that, okay? Someone told me that was possible but I'm not sure how to do it. As maybe you can tell...I love your blog!


  23. All I can say is, what an adorable couple and story! Made me smile!

  24. I love it when I see the notice that you've posted something new. You never disappoint me and I agree with the commenter right before me that you made me smile!

    Happy Easter,


  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following your blog now too :)

  26. SO CUTE, I would love a set like these.

    Happy Easter!


  27. Mrs. and Mr. Bunny are enchanting!!
    Happy Easter!

  28. Christopher saw the cake in your last blog and insists that I make one. I am going to give it my best shot!

  29. They seem to have everything covered~ carrots and flowers. What else could they possibly want?

    Thank you so much for joining the Vintage Easter Blog Hop. Joan@anythinggoeshere AKA your hostess

  30. Hi There, I love your bunnies... They remind me of some from my childhood... Wonder what happened to those little guys???? Maybe you have them!!! ha

    Hope you have a great Easter Week.

  31. Ha! I enjoy how you gave your bunnies some personality as you described what they were doing! My sons are Benjamin & Peter so I often called them Benjamin Bunny & Peter Rabbit!
