
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Wordless Wednesday

May your Easter be filled with Joy

Today I'm linked with Wordless Wednesday, Five Minutes for Mom and Extraordinary Mothers . Be sure to drop by these sites to enjoy more Wordless Wednesday entries.


  1. So pretty! I just love all the colors!

  2. Fun collage.... I hope you have a great Easter!

  3. No words needed for your collage; it expresses so much joy!

  4. I love collages (love using them in my scrapbooks too, do you?) You've just really captured a lot of fun in this one! It really does capture the joy. Can you let me know which mosaic service you use?

    Ginny ;)

  5. Yes, I'd be interested to know what mosaic service you use too. You know, I've never done one but I'd love to learn how! Great shots!

    Hope you have a great Easter weekend!

  6. Are those Jello Jiggler eggs in your photo? I've been meaning to make those. How hard are they to get to turn out like that? BTW is that your youngest son Christopher you talk about? I'm just guessing from having read some of your other posts.....I love his goofy pose! It looks just like something one of my guys would do! LOL

  7. Ginny and Carrie.....I use the Mosaic Maker at You need to have your photos downloaded to Flickr, then go to Big Huge Labs and sign up ( it's free). From there you can choose from your photos on's really very easy. It can be addicting! LOL

    Cheryl....Yes those are Jello Jiggler eggs....One of my daughters-in-law makes them every year. They're not that hard and they really do turn out well every time. I used to have the recipe but since I haven't made them in years I'm not sure where it is now.....I think you may be able to get it off the Jello website this time of year. Good luck....they're so much fun. And yes that's my youngest son Christopher doing the goofy egg face! You're right, such a guy thing to do! :)

  8. What a great collage! Might have to borrow the idea ;)

  9. Oh I love collages! Beautiful.

    Happy WW!

  10. Okay, now I want to learn how to do this! :0

  11. Love it! Spent so many Easter's @ your will be fondly thought of and missed this weekend!

  12. What a fun set of pics :) Happy easter to you!

  13. You are sooo good at that!

  14. Love your collage! Boy you really are all ready for the Easter celebrations! Lucky you, cause you've got your little ones around to keep those eggs and baskets always ready. My little Grandbabies live in another city, so I don't quite see them as often.
    Happy Easter and may the Lord bless you and your family with the joy and remembrance of his Resurrection.
