
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Med School Blue with a Little Bling

Stephanie, my sister's youngest daughter is a second year Med School student . Not only are we proud of her, it's also nice having her close during the school year since the Medical School she chose is here in town.......and as an added bonus Jane comes over from Los Angeles more often to see her baby......meaning more sister time for us.....always a plus! Steph spends her summers between her home in L.A. and humanitarian medical trips to Guatamala....busy girl.
Of course, when fall comes it's back to studying. She already has a crazy cute apartment to come to and while everything is pretty much decorated, she wanted to redo her bedroom this year. When she and Jane arrived a few weeks ago that was top priority on the agenda. She wanted a pretty blue with a little bling to come home to every night.

Christopher and I went over to help with the painting

Now we all know it's in the details...........

.............some bling on the tassels........ frame for the Van Gogh.......

......Jane recovered the headboard with sheets from Anna's Linens......
notice the big button that part

............a girl's gotta have a few flowers in her room.......

........Amy.....recognize some of the accessories?..........
.............the curtains were made from the same patterned sheets as the headboard........
The lovely finished product........

We thought it turned out great...........and most importantly......Stephanie loved it! While she has a very nice office set up in her place she said she she does a great deal of her studying curled up on her bed with her laptop and books...........and now with her brand new little kitty to keep her company.

Finally, here's Stephanie........isn't she gonna make a great looking doctor?
From a doting aunt........
I'm linked today with Sally for Blue Monday and Susan for Metamorphasis Monday. Just click on the photos to get your Monday off to a great start!


  1. WOW again! I love everything about that room. What color blue did you use?

  2. Love the BLUE! The room turned out beautiful. Great accents. Everything ties together wonderfully.

  3. The room is really lovely. I would love to have had a room like that when I was in Med School. It is so very stressful that to have somewhere you can go home to to relax, study, and regroup! Lucky girl!

  4. I love how your sister did the headboard with the sheets and then the curtains in the same fabric. Very nice! I've heard of Anna's Linens but we don't have one close around here. :( Good job guys!

  5. ONLY 98 Days till Xmas...yikes.....
    Lovely room, great job. I'm a blue freak. Especially love the Tiffany blue.
    Happy Blue Monday & god's speed to the doc.
    Love Claudie

  6. First of all, WOW, what an awesome re-make on the room and all the accessories! Terrific job!! It looks absolutely beautiful! Do you have a sign up sheet for people who want their room redone next? Put me down (it's okay if you jump my name to the top of the list!) LOL...

    Thanks for stoppng by my blog. I had no idea that my little grape dish could be that old. I just thought it was so cute. I always see the grape dishes in the amber colors and so when I saw this little one in blue, I snatched it up!

    Have a great day!!

  7. Wow, what a great makeover! I love the blue and how that headboard came out!
    Good Job! And yes, she is going to make a cute little doctor!

  8. Beautiful re-do ! Love the colors !
    Your niece is a sweetie !

  9. I love this blue bedroom. How fortunate you are to have such a wonderful niece. Happy Blue Monday.

  10. wow it is very pretty. Happy blue Monday! I might love to have like that in my room hehhe.

  11. hi dropping in from SITS...great job decorating!


  12. Beautiful job! Very pretty. She makes a lovely doctor.

  13. Aaawww how sweet :-) Love the look of the bedroom. A haven for her and very relaxing after the hectic hospital schedules she may have. I also like the swirls of plants on top of the headboard :-)

    Happy Blue Monday!


  14. Great job, it came out pretty darn good. Its a fruit of love and hardwork. What a cozy room to stay all day and night. Happy Blue Monday!

  15. Now she has a room fit for a princess :-). You all did a great job. Have a wonderful day.

  16. That is a really a super job on redoing her room. I like it much better too. One thine for sure,k I would not mind her being my doctor. Glad you visited my post.

  17. Beautiful bedroom! Your niece is lovely and how wonderful that she is going to be a doctor.

  18. Your niece is so cute! And obviously very smart as well. :)
    Love how the bedroom redo turned out!

  19. Well done! Loved the way the bling is done....just enough and not too much.

  20. Fabulous transformation! I love how this room turned out! Well done...

  21. I just wanted to let you know that I am having my 100th post giveaway and I wanted you to join in on the fun! I know you will love the stuff that I've chosen, so come over and see what it's all about.

  22. Wow---what a gorgeous room Stephanie has now... She's so gorgeous ---and I'm sure she will enjoy her new room very much. I love BLUE--so that room is perfect for me (although I'm not an upcoming doctor)... Darn!!!!

    Congrats Stephanie... Beautiful room you all fixed up for her, Elaine!!!

  23. What a great room! Love it Steph!

  24. Tell Janie, I think you did a great job! Now how about a howdy?
    Thanks Elaine, I too enjoy the buttons on the headboard.

  25. Your niece is gorgeous and yes, already she looks like a full fledged MD! How wonderful to have such a dedicated and talented member of the family.

    As to the room, everyone did an outstanding job on it. My favorite would have to be the upholstered headboard. It turned out beautiful...and with matching curtains you can't go wrong. The room looks peaceful and serene too.

  26. WOW again! I love everything about that room. What color blue did you use?
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  27. Oh my gosh! I have two of those silver lamps with the turquoise shade in my office here at home.. Looking at them right now. I love the simplicity of them, but if ever I change my mind and want them to have a different look, well.... you idea suits me just fine!

    The Blue Ridge Gal
