
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"I Cannot Live Without Books" ~ Thomas Jefferson

Tam at The Gypsy's Corner is hosting "Three or More Tuesday". Don't forget to go on over and see everyone's posts today.

There' nothing like getting lost in a good book. I can remember actually being thrilled when I learned to read. I just couldn't get enough! The Christmas that I was in second grade I told my parents all I wanted was a chair of my own and books. That's all. My two younger sisters were appalled! They thought I had lost my toys? As it turned out my Dad insisted that I get a doll (which he always picked out for us) but for the most part I got my wish. On Christmas morning there was my chair and a big stack of books! I was in heaven! Today I want to share three of those books......the three books I received from the Bobbsey Twins series.

The Bobbsey Twins quickly became some of my favorites. They were published from 1908 until 1979 and were written by several authors, all under the pseudonym Laura Lee Hope. I think there were 72 titles in the entire series.....I read many of them but from other sources like the library. These were the only three I ever owned. As you can tell they are well-worn by now, but I'm so glad I still have them. These particular volumes were ones that were in the bookstores during the 1960's, hardbacks with colorful glossy covers. The stories were the original ones but with updated covers. Over the years I've collected some of the earlier ones, which I'm always thrilled to find, but these remain my favorites.

In the first book, seen at the top, you get introduced to the Bobbsey twins of Lakeport. There are two sets of twins in the family.....Nan and Bert who are eight years old with dark hair....and Freddie and Flossie, the four year olds who are blond and feisty. Their father owns a lumber yard and their mother is a SAHM. Of course the twins are always having all kinds of adventures. I can remember reading late into the night, with my eyes drooping, so sleepy I could hardly stand it, but too engrossed in their latest antics to put the book down and go to sleep. Finally my mom would see my light on, come in and tell me I had to call it a night. In the second book the family takes a summer trip to Meadowbrook farm where their cousin Harry lives. More exciting least it seemed so to a 7 year old.

Finally, this last book. The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore, was probably my favorite. . I don't know why exactly but I remember reading this one several times. In this volume they take a trip to the ocean to visit their cousin Dorothy at her seashore home in Ocean Cliffs. Probably I like this one because I loved going to Charleston to the was just a two hour drive from where I grew up. We usually only spent a couple of days there at a time......but the Bobbseys spent the entire summer! The Christmas I received all the books was a special one for me. I loved my books! But you know what? That evening I remember my sisters asking me if I wanted to play with some of their new toys. Even then I knew I had special sisters! So I put my books down and we spent the rest of the evening playing......and in the next few days I read some of my books to them. For a second grader it was the best of both worlds.


  1. Boy are these a blast from the past.
    Love books...would turn my house into a library, just always in need of book shelves.
    Happy Tues, Candy

  2. Those are some real treasures. I, too, love books and am thankful that my girls loved reading when they were growing up.

  3. I had a few of those type books from the 1960's too! I remember having Heidi, The Wizard of Oz, and a few more. I always thought the covers were so neat. Oh and I remember really liking Heidi. And how sweet your sisters were to ask you to play with them! Loved that part!
    Happy Tuesday! Diana

  4. Wow, great looking books! I was hooked on the Disney books when I came here to the USA in the late 80s, so did my children!

    Great choice!

  5. Oh I love children's books and especially ones like these with the great illustrations. What fun memories you shared.

  6. What a great walk down memory lan this post is! I also loved the Bobbsey Twins and read so many of their books. Those three that you have are real tresures now. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  7. I loved the Bobbsey Twins when I was young. I had a bunch of them and read them over and over!

  8. I love seeing your books and hearing the story behind them. Wonderful memories. Happy 'Three Or More' Tuesday to you and have a great evening,

  9. Such a sweet post. I love hearing about your sisters!

  10. For me it was Nancy Drew! I read through every one in the library (and there were LOTS) before moving on to the Hardy Boys. At some point I read several of the Bobbsey Twins stories also, I think a neighbor had a few of them.

    Sounds like you have some wonderful sisters. Thanks for a great post!

  11. Elaine, you certainly took me on a trip down memory lane! I also became enamored with books at an early age. My favorites were the Nancy Drew books. I know I read every single one. Lucky for me, our school library had most of them. I think those books for some reason formed how I am and how I see the world. I still enjoy good, clean reading.

    Thank you for sharing and for reminding us the joy that can be found in a good book!

  12. What great memories! I sometimes wonder if the kids of today read as much as we did when we were young. I remember doing the Summer Reading Games at the library each summer growing up.

  13. My house looks like the Library of Congress most of the time -- had to get rid of a lot when we moved -- it was like giving away my children.

    I still have the only Bobbsey Twins book I ever owned -- I thought they were real people. The others in the series I read from the library. Than you for the information about "Laura Lee Hope" -- I did not know that more than one person had written the series.


  14. Oh this brings back great memories. I had several Bobbsey twin books when I was a kid back in the 40s. Don't know whatever happened to them. I sure wish I still had them. You remind me of our daughter. She absolutely loves books and has all of her life. When she was a baby she would grab a book before any toy.

  15. I love children's books, in fact I write them now. (none published yet)I don't have any books from my childhood, wish I did.
