
Sunday, March 1, 2009

February in Blue

It's already Blue Monday again. Sally is hosting this event so be sure to go on over to her place and check out all the other blue posts for today!

I guess you could call me an avid Scrapbooker. I don't think you would consider me a fancy scrapbooker though......I like to keep things fairly simple.....simple is good and is definitely a timesaver when you have as many photos as I do to scrap! I have a scrapbook for every year I have been married (since 1970, you do the math). I have to pause here and remind everyone that I was married as a mere infant! :-) Seriously I do have that many and I have grandiose dreams of creating a scrapbook about my life and Jim's life growing up....year by year since we are the same age.......showing what was going on with us at the same time even though we were coasts apart. So far that one is just in the "someday" stage.

Now to the reason I'm talking about scrapbooking on a Blue Monday! I scrapbook chronologically, month by month. The other day while showing a friend something from my 2005 album, I noticed that in the month of February over half of the 25 pages for that month were done in being the sharp one that I am I thought of a post for Blue Monday.

In 2005 I switched to digital photography and also to digital scrapbooking.....which proved to be both a time and a space saver for me.

Here are a few of the pages from that year.

The winter of 2005 in Phoenix was an unusually wet one. None of us complained, we just enjoyed the welcome desert rains. This first page shows photos I took while we were out, just hours after I bought my camera. I used the blue in particular to try to capture the feeling of those lovely afternoons that February.

By the's true....I am married to a ham.

Since I consider these "family" scrapbooks, I always refer to Jim as Dad and myself as Mom, even though in real life we never call each other that. Pet peeve of mine when couples seem to have forgotten one another's names!

Two of our grandaughters and a day at Cortez Park.

Like father, like son.....Christopher has the same ham in him. Really, they both
humor me....... a lot!

We were all pretty wet by the end of the afternoon so it was a good thing we had a warm cozy fire, dry clothes, and warm cups of hot chocolate to go home to.

Here's another page done in blue...a special day in my Grandson's little life.

We had just enough of that famous Phoenix warmth to keep us from actually
getting cold! There were some beautiful sunny days too where we took advantage
and worked on some remodeling projects.......we finally replaced the arched nursery window we had put in when Christopher was just a baby.....replaced it with a larger one to let in lots of light into the newly enlarged family room.

Of course I couldn't leave out the page about our little brother-sister duo....

And finally........

.......... the last page of February for that year was a beautiful double rainbow that appeared across the field from our home. It was absolutely breathtaking. The month of March proved to be much sunnier and lovely in its on right.......but that February brings back special memories.....and I'm glad I have the photos to help me remember that February in blue.


  1. Those are some fabulous photos. I wish I had been more organized with my photos from the very beginning of my marriage.

  2. It sounds to me like you are a very organized person! A very desirable trait I wish I had, LOL!
    All your pictures are wonderful, and your Grandbabies are so cute!!

    You Hubby is similar to mine, he also is very into the weather, and he does the same thing, pointing out weather systems and stuff.

  3. I like your kind of scrapping. After all, it's all about the pictures, isn't it? Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  4. I love what you can do with pictures these days! Yours a fabulous!

  5. Elaine, I think you did a good job capturing the mood of the pictures. I'm a scrapbooker too and I try to choose layouts that match my pictures. Love your style. Great job!

  6. I really like your scrapbooks. I do scrapbooking too. I think that I must spend too much time doing special cuts, using stickers, etc. Yours are lovely and so well organized. Happy Blue Monday.

  7. Love your digital scrapbooking pages! Hmmm...something I am going to have to try! Happy Blue Monday to you!

  8. Those are great..., maybe I'll try the digital scrapbooking some day.

  9. You could've posted about half of these in Sky Watch Friday as well!

    And I completely relate to the digital space saving. Even when I was still shooting film I could relate. Otherwise I'd have no room to sleep!

  10. Hello Elaine! What fun your scrapbooking pages are. I enjoyed looking at them. Happy Blue to you!

  11. Love this post! How did you learn to scrapbook digitally? I'd love to try it but I don't have any idea how to get started!

  12. That was fun! How convenient that so many of the pages were done in blue. I can jut imagine how inspiring it is to be able to scrapbook with your digital photos.

    Kathy b

  13. Wow Elaine, great post ! This was a good ideal you had.Loved it !

  14. Hi Elaine
    I'm so happy you came to visit me and now I've found your blog and I've had a great visit.

    I've enjoyed your rainy day pictures and your family. It has been a lovely tour of the area. Happy Birthday to the kitties too. You had me chuckling at some of the comments you made aboout the pictures...*g*...

    At least you aren't calling yourselves Ma and Pa Kettle..*lol*..

    have a lovely evening and come by and visit again.

  15. me again..I forgot to say you did a wonderful job scrapbooking. You must be a VERY organized person to have kept it up for so many years. Now you have great pics right there anytime!
    good job

  16. You are busy! I love to scrapbook too! Although I never have a chance to. I guess my blog sort of takes the place of it. Great blue pages for your blue Monday!

  17. Good evening Elaine, You have a beautiful scrapbook here just filled with wonderful memories. I wish I would have done something like this too. In years to come I think your family will appreciate this more and more. It's just so special ♥ I can see you put your heart into it. Happy Blue Monday!

  18. I do believe I would scrapbook more if I kept it simple, yet elegant, as you have done. I believe the 'less is more' principle would help me tremendously!

    You won the February book giveaway! Congratulations!

  19. You are so good to have your photos so nicely done and it looks like you love blue. I love your family pics and the variety you shared. You are lucky to have such a happy bunch to love and remember with your scrap booking.


  20. Hi Elaine! Oh, great scrapbook pages! I love to scrapbook too, but haven't been able to for about a year now! Waa! I like simple too - it goes so much faster and looks great!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. I like these Elaine. Look great. Happy Blue Monday!

  22. Elaine, these are fabulous photos..Your grandchildren are adorable!! What a treasure your scrapbooks are. My daughter is an avid scrapbooker and had made me a couple and I cherish them as if they were gold. Thanks for the visit by to see the Ginger Jar..I hope to see you again soon..
    hugs ~lynne~

  23. Hi! I just need your address! Send it to my email sarahlcc2000(at)gmail(dot)com

    I'm glad you won too! :-)

  24. I love your blog soooo much!!!! Oh to be that ambitious!!!!

  25. Great photos!!!

    Thanks for stoppin by my blog!! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!!

  26. Popped in from SITS to say hi!

  27. Such nice photos and lovely arrangement of them. I'm not a scrapper so I'm in awe of you and others that have the talent☺

    Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a good week!

  28. Thanks for sharing what a wonderful job you have done with these..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  29. What great scrapbook pages! I haven't done digital pages yet so seeing yours has been an inspiration.

  30. Digital scrapbooking is so the way to go when you've got a busy life. :) I do the same thing. Your pics are great. Looks like a lot of good times.
