
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Simple Strawberry Banana Sheet Cake

      I have a confession to make. It's about my family (hangs head in shame). What is it you ask?  I know you want to know 'cause don't we all like a good confession every now and again?  Okay I'll quit stalling......we have a dessert in "we want dessert with every meal". Yep, if we could justify it, we'd all throw caution to the wind and have something luscious every night. Oh, and let's not forget a little something after lunch too.  Maybe it's just me, but I think for anyone who really likes to cook, doesn't it just look so nice and seem so right to put a delicious dessert in your daily menu plans? 

     Reason prevails most of the time in our family, thankfully, and we suck it up and have only the occasional dessert after dinner.  I think most families are doing the same thing. Still, that doesn't mean you don't WANT something more often, does it?  Obviously finding lighter versions of the originals (when you can find a really good one) is part of the answer. Smaller portions are always an option too. Hubby and son don't seem to like this option very much. Obviously there's no easy answer. I'd like to tell you I found the answer but I haven't.

     I have, though, found at least one little idea that seems to be working for my family. I've started making sheet cakes. It seems there are several definitions of what a sheet cake actually is, but here's my take on it. I took a standard cake recipe from a favorite old cookbook and adapted it (actually that means I experimented with it) using bananas and strawberries that I had on hand. The difference was that I decided to bake it in a very large cookie sheet....and when I say large I mean large (12x18). It turned out great and the best part was that I actually got 24 pieces from it. We had 3 slices for dessert that night, I saved another 3 in the fridge for later in the week, and I froze (unfrosted)  the rest in 2 packages of 6 each for another time. This kept the cake safely tucked away in the freezer instead of on the counter in the glass cake keeper. Out of sight, out of mind.  

     Obviously the slices are thinner, but very generous. No complaining at all from the guys about little pieces. I topped it with the Strawberry Cream Cheese frosting right before I served it. It turned out to be an incredibly moist cake.....good warm from the oven, reheated, or straight from the fridge. I've since made several versions, including an absolutely delicious orange version along with a chocolate one. Those recipes will be coming up real soon so be watching for them!

Strawberry Banana Sheet Cake

2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 tsps baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
3 eggs
1 Tbsp mayonnaise
Mashed strawberries/bananas to equal 2 cups
4 oz orange juice
1 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a 12x18 inch baking sheet (the kind with a lip) by spraying liberally with a cooking spray. In mixing bowl combine all ingredients and mix for 3 minutes on low speed. Pour batter onto baking sheet and bake for 23 to 25 minutes.  It is okay to go ahead and frost while cake is still warm. Makes 24 slices.

Strawberry Banana Cream Cheese Frosting

8 oz. Cream Cheese, softened
1/4 cup orange juice
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla flavoring
Mashed strawberries/bananas to equal one cup
2 cups powered sugar

In the bowl of a stand mixer, or a medium mixing bowl using a hand mixer,  blend the cream cheese, orange juice, salt, and vanilla until smooth. Add the fruit and mix another minute or so. Finally, add the powdered sugar a little at a time until you get the consistency you want. If you need to you can even add more orange juice if you like. I wanted it to be a spoonable consistency rather than a spreadable one but either would be good. This frosting will keep in the fridge, covered, for about 2 weeks.  



  1. Wow...this really looks easy. I think I'll give it a try. We have the same problem at our house...sweet tooths every one of us! ;)

  2. I copied your's perfect for summer when we have a lot of company at once! It would make a fun cake to decorate, too. Thanks so much, Elaine! :)


  3. Loved reading this're so funny! We'd have dessert every night if we could too! The cake looks like a good one and I love that you get so many pieces! Can't wait to see the recipes for the chocolate and orange ones. Great idea, girl! :)

  4. Dear Elaine

    Thanks for joining us at Create With Joy - I'm delighted to meet you and look forward to getting to know you better! :-)

    I had a chance to peruse your blog and you have so many fabulous recipes posted (including this one!) In addition to Friendship Friday and Wordless Wednesday, I host a weekly creative/inspirational party called Inspire Me Monday (opens Sunday nights). I hope that you will share some of your fabulous recipes and creations with us at that party!

    Have a wonderful weekend & I left a comment for you at Friendship Friday!

    Create With Joy

  5. Don't worry you're not alone with your families "problem" LOL Been there, done that, Still doing it! I do like the freezing for later thing....I think that would help around here with all the snacking! :) Will definitely try the recipe!

  6. This looks like a keeper. Good timing with strawberry season in full swing here in Ventura Co. I do something similar when I make bananna bread/muffins. But I go even simpler by using a butter cake mix and substitue the water with 3 or 4 mashed riped banannas
    and 1/2 cup of sour cream. Then top them with a basic strussel topping. They freeze really well.

  7. Hi...So glad I found your blog. I've just spent an hour or so reading your back posts! Thought I'd let you know I will definitely be back. I'd like to follow you by email but I didn't see a place to sign up. I don't have a google account so I didn't think I could follow that way. Anyway, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself tonight and I will be back for sure! :)

  8. Hi Elaine,
    It is true, one is always happy to have a wonderful dessert! This idea is great. I hope later today when I post the Creative Monday Blog Hop you will add this link. Thanks for becoming A Follower of my Blog. I am happy to become a Follower of your Blog. Have a great week.

  9. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Will try it out.

    Visiting from

  10. Yum! Following Back! Thanks for stopping by and following Naptime Review. Tomorrow we are having a mom's monday mingle. Love for you to link up!

  11. Looks delicious! Thanks for following my blog, I will sign up to follow yours as well.

  12. Hey Elaine! THis looks terrific!! thank you so much for the follow, I'm for sure following you back!
    Really enjoy your blog!


  13. Yum is about all I can say cause I'm drooling. :) We have the same "problem" around here! Will try!

  14. Hello Elaine!
    I am now your newest follower on GFC.
    Have a nice day! :D
