
Friday, September 23, 2011


Not that I don't love summer....I's just that the desert summers can seem sooooo  long! So today, at least on the calendar, it's official. Fall is here. The weather is even cooperating a little, providing us with some deliciously cooler mornings!  So let's get this party started with a video of one of my favorite singers, Diana Krall and some gorgeous autumn foilage.  Enjoy!


  1. In't autumn just the best time ever? If I had my way, Iwould skip most of summer. We are in the middle of a glorious spring and dreading the onset of the fire season. We have already had some hot and windy days.

    Autumn leaves has been a favourite of min for more than 40 tears and I like the look of you cookie recipe as well.

  2. If it's on the calender, it must be here! It feels like it here in the Midwest, very cool and humidity at all. I am starting to like it although I think we got cheated out of a little bit of summer with the long spring we had! I can imagine with your hot temps that you would be looking forward to fall! Enjoy your weekend!!


  3. We just started our summer here in the Pacific NW. We had a LONG winter, then rainy spring and it said summer on the calendar but we didn't feel it until August. So Fall is a little early for me this year. Sounds weird, right? Everyone was sweltering and we were still walking around in sweaters!

    Love your blog, stopping by from Follow Friday over 40! Will be stopping by on a regular basis - you have so much great information. Love the scrapbooking ideas!
    Enjoy the first weekend of FALL! :)

  4. Hi Elaine,
    I'm with you....fall is the best! I don't like humidity or heat....our weather here in Michigan is slowly getting cooler. I like it in the 50's; good for the cider mill. Enjoy the season!


  5. Oh a favorite artist of mine! :)

  6. I'm so glad you posted this. Is she ever good! Thanks for introducing me to her work. It's beginning to feel like fall here in my part of the country....this is great music to get me in the mood! :)
