
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tortilla Soup

A day or so after Christmas we made a trip to California to visit with relatives we had not yet seen during the holidays. While we adore leftovers this time of year (who doesn't, right?) it was really nice to find out what was on the menu at my sister's house the first night we were there. You got it......tortilla soup. Spicy, festive, and different. *Little note here....if you haven't seen the movie by the same name, "Tortilla Soup" you may want to watch it, if only for the gorgeous food preparation much fun to watch.

Jane always sets a beautiful table.....spicy and festive, just like the soup.

You garnish the meal with sliced avocados, grated cheese, and sour cream. For variety you can try the "blue" tortilla chips along with your favorite regular ones.

So here's the recipe........Enjoy.......we did!
Tortilla Soup
2 fresh tomatoes chopped ( or 1 can of tomatoes), 2 8oz cans of Tomato sauce, 2 gloves minced garlic, 4 cups water, 2 Tbl sugar, 3 tsp chili powder, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp cumin, 1 4oz can of chopped green chilies, 2 cups of chopped cooked chicken,
Tortilla Chips, Grated Cheese,
Sour cream and avocado for garnish
Bring all ingredients except chicken, chips and cheese to boil in a large pot. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add chicken and simmer an additional 10-15 minutes. (This can also be made in a crock pot as shown in the pictures)
Ladle into bowls and top with chips, cheese, etc.
My first chance to say "Happy New Year!" to you all,


  1. That sounds SO good and what a beautiful table setting too :)

    I'm saving this recipe and trying it too :)

  2. This does look good. Definitely bookmarking it! BTW I have seen the movie and you're right about the cooking scenes. I love it just because of that. :)

  3. New follower via the 40 and over hop.
    Look forward to seeing more.

    Enjoy ur weekend!


  4. I am doing this ‘Follow Friday 40′ that I saw over at Truly Simply Pink and I am now following you! This is such a cool idea isn’t it?! Love your blog by the way - the soup looks to die for!

  5. That sounds very good. I'm a new follower.

    Happy Friday!

  6. Very festive table. I love when tables are set with vibrant colors like red.The soup sound so delicious.

    Popping by from Java's hop and I am your newest follower over 40,lol.


  7. This dish looks like it's pretty easy to put together but probably tastes like it took a long time to kind of dish! Going to give it a try this weekend. :)

  8. Looks like you all had a great time and that soup looks delicious.

  9. Oh, Elaine! We LOVE this recipe. My daughter made it for us over Thanksgiving and as I write that, I realize it has been way too long since I've enjoyed a nice hot, spicy bowl of this! Thank you for the reminder of this simple pleasure! Happy New Year to you!

  10. Elaine, this looks scrumptuous and really so festive. I love leftovers too...but there comes a point LOL Glad you had a good time at your sister's! :)

  11. Hi there: I have never tried tortilla soup. I think it sounds good though. I am a new follower from Java's bloghops

  12. That sounds sooo good! Thanks for the recipe!

  13. Hi there I clicked on you over a Over 40 Fridays...I love your blog!!

  14. Tortilla soup is a favorite of mine and my husband's! We love it!!

    Following from Friendly Friday. :)

  15. Can't wait to try this, Elaine. Right up my alley! :)

  16. Hey, just letting you know that I did make this last night and it turned out great. Didn't use the crock because I didn't get started early enough, but I'll probably make it that way next time so it will be ready when I get home from work. It got rave reviews from Chuck and from the guests we had over. :)

  17. Hi Elaine, thanks for stopping by and now following my blog; following you back too! I used to live in Scottsdale from 1985 - 1990. I still have family there and visit about every other year! Happy 2011, new blog friend! Please feel free to add this tortilla soup recipe post to my blog hop going on or anything else that you believe would be yummy!

  18. Howdy Elaine
    Wow what an awesome way to spend time with someonw so special .
    The movie is really good ,we enjoy Tortilla soup in our family so it was an easy choice .
    Thank you for sharing with us .
    I think maybe it's time to make some for my family as the weather is suppose to change to rain with cold !
    Okay I better stop this novel length post while I can :)
    Praying that all goes well for you and yours and that your troubles become blessings of joy and laughter fills your life each day in this New Year .
    Big Hugs from Texas
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  19. Yum! I'm so *there* with the blue tortilla chips and avocados!

  20. Hi, I am visiting from the Follow Friday 40 Hop! Yes, it is Saturday but I just got a chance to sit down and read some new blogs. I was raised in Phoenix and still consider myself a Desert Rat!
    Loved your post about the hail storm ant the pictures of your son were priceless! Ouch!

  21. Elaine, the table looks beautiful and the soup sounds delicious. Both are perfect for a post holiday meal. I hope you have a great day and that the new year brings you an increased measure of health and happiness. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  22. That sounds delish! Yes, I have the movie Tortilla Soup and I've watched it many times for the food scenes etc. Great fun. The table setting is awesome. I found you through a blog friend yaya. Glad I did. Have a great Friday.

  23. I loove loove tortilla soup! any time of the year! thank you for the comments about my dog. He is my main subject of photography besides food and mainly because he follows directions lol... when I tell him to sit, he actually listens. Great blog and thanks for following. I am now following back! Have a great day!

  24. Thanks for supporting the HOP and for the follow. I am now following you too!

    Have a great day!

  25. Mmmmm... that soup sounds GREAT! Might have to give it a go sometime.

    Just dropping by from the Follow Friday 40 and Over this week and am a new follower.

    Hope you have a great weekend!


  26. This sounds delicious, my daughter loves tortilla soup. I can't wait to try this. Thanks.
