
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Quick Autumn Breakfast

It's beginning to seem like Fall even here in the desert. Perhaps next Wednesday I'll post some "Outdoor Wednesday" pics of the big hailstorm we had this week.....quite an event for Phoenix. In any case, the quick drop from three-digit temp days to days in the 70's and 80's has made everyone around here positively giddy!
Yesterday we had to leave town yet again on business, but before we did I managed to throw together a quick autumn-type we don't usually have in the summer.....couldn't get any simpler......oatmeal! The trick this time of year is to set the table for Fall and serve the humble bowls of oatmeal with raisins, brown sugar, and a little Half and Half.

It's hard to find a quicker, cozier, or more delicious little breakfast.

   Used my "apple" napkins that I've had for who knows how many years now.....only use them in Autumn so they've stayed in pretty good shape.....just worn enough to be comfortable.


  We usually have orange juice with almost any breakfast so I used some little wildlife themed juice glasses that I don't use very often (can't wash them in the dishwasher so I have to be a little more careful with them)

The key to this breakfast, like I said, is the brown sugar, raisins, and Half and Half. The small milk pitcher I picked up at Crate and Barrel Outlet a few years ago, the amber sugar dish is the perfect color for a fall tablescape, and the the white raisin dish is just one of many little inexpensive white dishes I collect......they work for so many things.
Quick, Easy, Delicious......aren't we glad Autumn is here?

  Today I'm linking to Tablescape Thursday, Foodie Friday,


  1. Oh I am so with you. The change in the weather is absolutely wonderful. I've been out and about all day, just can't stay in with it being on the cooler side. We missed the hail, but we did get some rain. Hope you didn't have any damage. Your breakfast table looks wonderful and I love oatmeal, so this would have been on of my favorites. Looks gorgeous and yummy. Hugs, Marty

  2. Oh this is so cute. Fun way to do simple meal like oatmeal. :)

  3. Breakfast is one of my favorite meals...even oatmeal. I think of it as breakfast comfort food! You've set a lovely and inviting breakfast table.

  4. I love the simple quick tabletop. I adore old linens like your napkins.

  5. Hallelujah! Fall is here! While I greatly enjoyed the summer, it's nice to feel the crispness now in the Midwestern air! I didn't think it got chilly where you live! Love the apples. Those always make me think of fall! And oatmeal...a cool weather favorite for sure! I think I'll make some tomorrow morning. Thanks for the inspiration, and have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Oh! what a healthy brekky! Love how you sets your table.

    Oatmeal with my own apple sauce is a fave at home.

    Happy TS & Friday.

    Greetings from Stockholm,

  7. I'm with autumn and I love your table setting.

  8. You made this breakfast look like so much fun!

  9. I heard about your hail storm ~ so unexpected I would think...not like the Texas storms we have. :)

    I love oatmeal for breakfast when the weather is cool ~ and your table looks beautiful. Guess I'm your newest follower from FF. Glad I found your blog! Stop by and say hi when you can.


  10. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm following back!

  11. I just love oatmeal for breakfast. I think because of candida that I have developed an allergy to it.

    I am a new follower from Friday Follow Over 40. Would appreciate it if you could stop by and follow back.

    I am giving a Mrs Santa Claus apron away to one of my followers on December 5.

  12. I've been a follower for quite a while now and I'm glad to see you back to posting. :) I particularly like to use little pitchers for milk and cream. The one you have in your setting is such a nice shape. Glad your weather is finally cooling off for you!

  13. I've been a follower for quite a while now and I'm glad to see you back to posting. :) I particularly like to use little pitchers for milk and cream. The one you have in your setting is such a nice shape. Glad your weather is finally cooling off for you!

  14. Oooops! :) Obviously posting twice was a boo-boo lol

  15. I think oatmeal gets a bad "wrap" sometimes and I love how you dressed it up a bit and your table is lovely!

    Happy Autumn,

  16. Hi Elaine! Thanks so much for coming by and joining the party this week! We have a love affair with breakfast in this house :-) and this looks just perfect to me! I hope to see more of you in blogland!
    P.S. I'm a new follower now!

  17. The creamware combined with the fall fruits are lovely against your dark table top. Napkins just old enough to be comfortable....that makes me smile. I like that the brown sugar and the texture of the oatmeal enhance the Autumn mood. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  18. Beautiful Elaine! You're a creative, and VERY talented cousin! Loved it! Love, Becky

  19. I really like your charming table setting, and I love oatmeal!
    Im a new follower from Follow along Tuesday blog hop - and I will be bookmarking your blog - keep up the good work ~
