
Monday, April 5, 2010

Takin' Care of Business.....Photo Business that Is

I'm often asked to post more of my Scrapbook Pages so in the future I will try to do that on a regular basis. I've also been asked to do tutorials on my digital scrap booking techniques but I don't foresee myself doing that........there are so many great ones on the Internet already. As anyone can see, though, I do have my own style......very simple, not too cluttered.....most of the time designed to chronicle and tell the story of my family's life during each year. I like to focus on the photographs without too many frills and doo-dads. You can check out other pages I've posted by going to "Scrapbooking" under "What Would You Like to Read?" in my sidebar. I'm always admiring all types of styles of scrapbook pages, and have learned so much from so many talented designers. But ultimately I think it's best to go with your own style........ and in my case I like to actually get pages done! It doesn't really count if all your gorgeous layouts are still in your head! In lieu of any tutorials, however, if anyone has any questions about my techniques you can e-mail me (address on the sidebar) and I'll certainly get back to you.
Here are two pages from a trip we took a couple of years ago to beautiful Prescott, Arizona. It's about an hour and a half north of the Phoenix area, and among other things, has some of the best antique stores and shoppes in the country. Here's a short snippet of that trip I captured one afternoon while we were there.

And as you can see, I like to throw in a little whimsy on occasion! We never found out who the man was but you just wouldn't believe how much he was enjoying his ice cream cone on that hot day in June! :)

Life gets busy and our weeks go by so quickly, and that being said, I'd still like to encourage you to find some time this week to do a few scrapbook pages. If you're like me you took a LOT of Easter photos over this past weekend......take a few minutes to do something with them, whether its adding them to your scrapbooks, making a mosaic with them or simply getting them off your camera and into an "Easter 2010" file on your computer. You know you'll be glad you did.
Enjoy your week,

Today I'm linking with everyone at:
Market Yourself Monday


  1. Hi...I don't have a blog myself, but I can tell you I've been enjoying looking around yours. Today is my first time here. I am a scrapbooker though and I really like how your pages look. I'll definitely be back!

  2. Hi! I just became your 100th follower. Just found you today and I'm looking forward to it. Awesome pages. Really cute!


  3. Boy does that ever sound like my husband and sons. I have a daughter still at home who happily for me, loves to browse through little shops with me. Hilarious depiction of your afternoon. I just love it!

  4. Hey, I'm one of the ones who enjoys seeing your photo albums. These pages couldn't be cuter! So funny! I don't know whether to sulk or be thankful to you though for reminding me I need to do something with my Easter pictures!! LOL

  5. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays! Love your pages- the journaling is so funny! I organized and edited my Easter photos so far and filed them on my computer =D.

  6. That looks great! I really enjoyed reading the journaling, I have three boys and never really get to do much shopping like I want to :)

  7. Honestly, thanks for the little nudge in the right direction. I'm playing "catch up" with my scrapbook from last year, but I am determined to keep up to date on this years! So this week I WILL have my Easter pages done! Now if I can just work in a page or two from Summer 2009....see I told you I was behind. LOL Anyway, thanks for the fun post. I really like your layouts and your touches of humor in them! :)

  8. Honestly, thanks for the little nudge in the right direction. I'm playing "catch up" with my scrapbook from last year, but I am determined to keep up to date on this years! So this week I WILL have my Easter pages done! Now if I can just work in a page or two from Summer 2009....see I told you I was behind. LOL Anyway, thanks for the fun post. I really like your layouts and your touches of humor in them! :)

  9. Me again! One more thing. Hey, that's wierd. Why did my last comment post twice. :0 Anyway, doesn't matter I guess.

    About the one more thing....I do have a couple of questions so I'm going to e-mail you. I'll put "Questions from Lisa" in the Subject line so you'll know its from me. Thanks!

  10. Following you back from Friday Follow!! Sorry it took so long!!!

    Thank you for following me!!


  11. Hi, Elaine

    Your layouts are so cute. Your humor adds that extra little punch I think. I'm e-mailing you a couple of questions that I have about digital scrapbooking. I'm trying to decide if that's the way to go. It looks to me like it might be a little faster than the traditional way. Okay, maybe I have more than a "couple" of question. I'll put my name in the Subject line so you'll recognize the e-mail. Thanks. Looking forward to chatting with you!

  12. So cool! I'm going to at least get my photos off my camera and into the proper file, then before too long do some pages. Inspiring post!

  13. Fun pages! You do a great job, I also like a simple style. No need to spend more time scrapping the memory than it took to actually make the memory☺
