
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lilies of the Field

Lilies are so often associated with this time of year. I've attempted to grow them in my garden but have never been very successful, particularly here in the desert, so I've pretty much given up on that and now just enjoy them as potted plants while they last. They are so gorgeous, though, aren't they? These are photographed in their containers and placed in the garden among other flowers. I wanted to capture them before they lost all of their blooms.

I can never see a lily without thinking of the passage in Matthew 6:28 where Jesus tells us to consider the lilies of the field and how they grow. One version says to take notice of the lilies and how they grow. It goes on to say how they neither spin or toil but they are arrayed in such splendor.....more splendor than even King Solomon was arrayed in! He says how much more will our heavenly Father make sure we are clothed! Or how much more will he take care of our every need!

There is so much financial instability in our world right now, and there's always the temptation to worry or be concerned about so many things. Later on in the same chapter we're told that there is an answer to all of this though..........."for your Father knows that ye have need of all these things. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." (Matthew 6:32,33)

So whether you have a garden full of lilies, or just enjoy them in pots this time of year, it is wise to consider them or take notice of them because it is just one of the many examples of how much God loves us and how much He wants to take care of us.

Today I'm linking up with Charlotte and Ginger at Spiritual Sundays and Today's Flowers. Be sure to take time to visit them!


  1. Wonderful! Thanks for posting this.
    I am not sure that I'll ever look at a lilly the same way anymore
    (and that's a good thing!)

  2. I've loved this scripture since I was very young. We learned a song in youth choir called Consider the Lilies of the Field, a song we sang in church for many years after that but have not heard it in the last few years. The picture is beautiful. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  3. An excellent post, and lovely photo! A wonderful reminder of how much God cares for us.

  4. This is such a comforting scripture. I just listened to your video of Keith Green and his music certainly does bring back wonderful memories!

  5. Oh, your photo is so beautiful. I've never had much luck planting them either but my neighbor in my case it's not where I live it's just me!LOL Seriously I love this scripture and I am very inspired by what you've written today. It is something I needed to be reminded of.

  6. Elaine Dear, I too have taken to growing my lilies in pots, especially the asiatics which are more delicate. I have found that when you lift the bulbs and let them dry off a little and then replant, they will giv you an instant repeat performance out of season. I usually grow my pots in partial shade near the house. So much easier for watering with sinkwater.

  7. Your sweet post is very calming for me this morning. I've had such a busy last 3 days and I needed....CALM. Thanks so much.

    Thanks, too, for coming by my place. Hope you will come back soon. I just signed up to follow you...:))
    xo bj

  8. Beautiful scripture, photo, and reminder of how much God loves and cares for us!

  9. What a great post! I like that you combined a scriptural lesson and the lilies into one post. Your lily photograph is splendid.

  10. Really really pretty photo and such a wonderful reminder of God's love for us!

  11. They are beautiful, Elaine. I used to grow them, but we are now plagued by lily beetles so I have given up too.

  12. I love lilies and the one you photographed here is so beautiful. I am able to grow them outside but mine aren't up yet. Great post.

  13. Hi Elaine, love the composition of this shot! I would also associate lilies with Easter. A rebirth, a new life!

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Lilies are one of my favorites to grow! Stargazers and the beautiful whites! Blessings to you today!

  15. Fabulous capture and background for this photo! Simply divine!

  16. Great shot of the beautiful lilies! Some of my pink ones have turned white now. I don´t know why?

  17. Lovely! Nice composition with the touch of color in the background.
    My daughter named her first daughter Lily because of the Bible passages. :)

  18. ---> worrier here <--- sad but true... i hope if I keep confessing it, one day it will just stop...

  19. Indeed, indeed. I've been reminded of that scripture a lot lately. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Great reminder to "take no thought".

  21. Beautiful lilies, thank you for sharing them. If I had a daughter I think I would have named her Lily.

  22. The picture is beautiful. Your words are true, uplifting and encouraging. Thank you.

  23. Beautiful post, Elaine.... Yes---we do tend to worry about our country and our financial future... I keep having to tell myself to turn these worries over to God...

    I love lilies and we can grow them... They won't open though probably 'til May or June. BUT--I'm sure I'll show lots of pictures when they do open.

    I love yours!!!!!! Like you, I associate lilies with Easter and with God.


  24. Oh how gorgeous are these? I LOVE lilies. They have always been my favorite as a matter of fact. Your post was soo good...just so true, and in the times we are living in so relevant as well. My daughter had Liles (they were a bright orange however) at her wedding. In her bouquet and in the table centerpieces. They were soo pretty, but it was their fragrance that really blessed me. God has just created so much beauty for us. Have a wonderful week. Blessings to you, Debbie

  25. The best part of the lily is the way you can see the pollen, sitting on the pristine white of the petals! Looks like gold dust!

  26. I a following you back from FF.

    Nice to meet you, I love to meet fellow bloggers that are Christians.

    @Buttons and Bows

  27. Wonderful thoughts to start off my week. Thank you!

  28. I love these faithful flowers.
    God Bless,

  29. Here via Macro Mon. Breathtaking photo!

  30. I'm seeing a trend for Spiritual Sundays. Must be the same Holy spirit!!

    Have a blessed week.

  31. I love the photo you used with the Scripture. Such perfectly lovely thoughts to meditate on. Thank you for sharing, Elaine!

  32. A great reminder. I have found God's provision to be an absolute in our lives.

    Becky K.
