
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shabby Chic?

Is there anything better than a catnap on a warm afternoon? Especially if you can take that nap curled up on your favorite old quilt?

What if that quilt is on the tail-end of shabby? Shall I call it shabby chic?
Yes, I think I will. I've had it for so many years.....didn't pay that much for it even when it was new.....but I've always been in love with it.

White with just a hint of now-faded color. Incredibly soft and tattered.

The years have taken their toll.....but I confess the way I use this little cover has been
the biggest culprit. You see, it's outside a great deal of the time....especially in the cooler months.
Usually you will find it draped across a patio chair or one of my backyard swings.....occasionally spread out on the lawn. I've been known to forget to bring it in (books fall into this category too, but that's another post....more than once I've rushed home in an impending rainstorm to rescue a favorite stack of books. Or been awakened in the wee hours of the morning by the sound of sprinkles on the roof........ only to have to scurry around the backyard in my whatevers gathering valuables in my arms before the downpour!)

 My only excuse is that I use the things I love....and sometimes there are consequences! Sigh.

This summer it has been spread across our bed much of the time. There's a perfectly good white duvet under it that looks ever so stylish on a summer bed.....but it's not quite as old and familiar and cozy. My beloved quilt is shabby chic......that's my story
and I'm sticking with it.

Today I'm linked with Julia at Hooked on Houses
with Kelly at There's No Place Like Home, and with Melissa at The Inspired Room


  1. There's nothing like old favorites and that's what lovely things are for, to be used! My Mom had some very beatiful things but she kept them all locked away and rarely used them! I think I'm just the opposite now. I loved this post!

  2. Your quilt looks soft and cozy. I also leave things outside. At 3 am I was rescuing my solar battery charger from the front yard and a shower.

  3. Elaine...your quilt looks so inviting. I want so badly to make a quilt for my bed, and when I do, I hope it someday looks just like yours from years of use and love.


  4. Hi Elaine! I truly loved reading the story of your quilt. It gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. No kidding, I love the way you write.

  5. That's so funny, Elaine. I'm always leaving things outside too then have to "rescue" them. Loved your post!

  6. What a fun story. I love using things I love. There are very few things that I have that I just sit and look at. Oh, and me too on the leaving things outside! That's funny because I didn't realize other people did that too! lol

  7. Your bedroom looks so pretty. The lighting and the shadows on the bed make it look so inviting. I'd like to get that same feel in mine.

  8. Me again. Can I become a follower if I don't have a blog?

  9. Hi Elaine,

    Thanks for your visit, and you can blame me all you want, if you want to spend the day on the computer playing with your photos!

    I know exactly what you mean tho, I always feel guilty when I spend more time on the puter than getting the other things done that I should be doing!

    Right now, I wish I had a soft cozy quilt like yours to curl up in and take a nap!

    I think once you get to our age you earned the right lol!

    Have a nice day!

  10. Hi Elaine....I have some quilts that a shabby chic too....not by style choice! But I use them too! I heard you talk about rain...on my side of AZ - we think that must be a thing of the past. We had practically NONE all summer. I have 2 very dead plants to prove it!
    Have a great weekend.

  11. I think it's a perfectly lovely quilt...shabby or not. We get so influenced by the fancy decor magazines which would have us believe we should acquire costly items only for show, not for touching or living in. Things are made to be used and enjoyed. I have an old 'bata' or frumpy house robe which I refuse to part with, no matter how old and ragged it looks. It's all about comfort and being comfortable in your own home.

  12. I love the way your quilt looks. It is real-

    I enjoyed visiting ,


  13. I happen to love Shabby Chic and your quilt definitely qualifies. Very classey! ;)

  14. Love it! The shabbier the better! Jean

  15. Well, there comes a time when you have to retire it, sugar. I know, I know, it's hard but maybe you could use it behind your bed on the wall. I would definitely NOT give it up entirely to the garbage bin though, chick.... Glad you're back, honey!!!

  16. What a lovely story. What a fun story. And it certainly makes me want to stretch out on a bed like that with a good book!
