
Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Perfect Kind of Peace

The Word has an amazingly simple solution for anxiety: trust in God, and find our anxiety replaced by a spiritual peace beyond anything we've ever experienced, or can even understand.

Think about this. Worry is actually prayer in reverse.

In Luke 12:6-7 it says to " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your minds and hearts through Christ Jesus."

So next time we're tempted to worry and to be anxcious about anything in our lives let's take a look at a rose, such as this lovely Sun Flare rose from my garden, and remember this:
27"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" 28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." Matthew 6:27-29

Or anyone of us can just look out our back door, catch a glimpse of a sparrow anytime of the day and be reminded of this:
6 “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12: 6 & 7 amp; 

Blessings for a "worry free week",

 For more inspiration for the week be sure to stop by Spiritual Sundays
And for inspiration from God's lovely world see Today's Flowers


  1. Beautiful post, Elaine! And so timely for me. Had lots of worries on my mind. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Perfect reminder at this hurtful times where many are hurting. God bless. Happy SS!

  3. Thank you so much for this lovely reminder! Believe me, I need to be reminded. I think I will take these verses for my study time this week. I need to really get them planted on the inside of me so I don't keep slipping back into the same old pattern. He takes such good care of me! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction this week.

  4. This is so true. I guess it's human nature to worry. We need to constantly be reminded not to do it. Thank you for this reminder.
    Have a great Spiritual Sunday.

  5. Me again! By the way your yellow roses are beautiful! You said they were called Sun Flare. Is it a climber and is it a repeat bloomer? I'm looking to put some roses in my new (and so far very bare) backyard and I want to plant them this fall. I love yellow roses so these look like they'd be perfect especially if it is a climber.
    Pricilla :)

  6. Isn't it lovely that we don't even have to look very far to be reminded that God truly cares for and takes are of us. We only have to look in our own yards! He's such a good God, isn't he?
    Loved this post!

  7. Howdy Sister

    Amen, I like worry free !
    Thank you for such an amazing post.
    This is something we must all practice daily.
    Thank you so very much
    for sharing today.
    Blessings to you .
    Big Texas Hugs .
    Thank you so much for dropping by .
    Hugs with blessings of love and hope to you and yours.
    Happy Trails

  8. The opposite of prayer ... good thought. Thank you.

  9. Thank you for posting these scriptures. I jotted them down in today's journal. These are the perfect scriptures to use when we are tempted to worry.

    Blessings, Karen

  10. Such great advice...for ME! LOL Thanks!

  11. These are spriptures that I have read daily and have made me have peace. Thank-you so much for sharing them today.

  12. answer your question...technically Sun Flare is not a climber, but a floribunda. But since it gets over 4 to 5 feet (at least here in Arizona) that I sometimes think of it as a climber. It is a repeat bloomer too. I can't wait until September when the weather cools and it will absolutely go wild with blooms. I think you'd enjoy it in your garden. :)

  13. Beautiful yellow roses, I like it!

  14. I hope you are having a blessed Spiritual Sunday*! _Ashley*

  15. I hope you are having a blessed Spiritual Sunday*! _Ashley*

  16. Elaine, this is a beautiful post. I got so much from it! I'm impressed with your roses too. I think yellow roses have to be my favorites, even over red ones. Great picture!
    God bless you, and thanks for the reminder...I'm now going to have a worry-free week!

  17. Elaine: That is a beautiful color on the yellow rose.

  18. Hi Elaine, I love the softness of the roses. answer every needs. Have a great week!

  19. Elaine....did you know I am a worrier? Yep, and your post meant a lot to me. Thanks for the great reminder and I hope you have a blessed week, too!


  20. Thank you, Elaine, for the reminder not to worry. I am a born worrier, and I need to be reminded to trust in God quite often. I guess we were both led the same way because my post today goes right along with the scripture you used in yours. Have a good week. Vicki

  21. Oh, how this ministers to me right now. Beautiful rose! Thank you.

  22. thank you for your visit to my home pages! here is a beautiful image:)

  23. Thanks for the nice comment on our blog. We enjoyed reading your writing and photo too.

  24. Elaine, Your words have meant so much to me. I needed to hear this, believe me. It just reminded me how much the Lord cares about me and that I can totally trust in him. Loved the photo of your roses too! I have a couple of Golden Showers climbers in my yard that really do well for me. I love yellow roses! Great post. Thanks!

  25. Lovely post. Lovely blog. I just became a follower.

  26. Those verses are such a blessing to me every day ~ we have large flocks of sparrows around our house, and I'm reminded every time I hear them chirping, flying around my house, or when I find them nesting in the bushes! Have a wonderful week, Elaine!

  27. Such wise words and how often we forget!

  28. We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.

    God bless you all...

  29. Worry is prayer in reverse! Very wise:) I can see this little phrase being very helpful:)
