
Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Little Bloggy Housekeeping

There are a few little things I need to take care of today........

First I'd like to thank Geri for the "One Lovely Blog" award. I'd like to encourage all of you to go on over to her blog "Heart and Soul Cooking" and look around. This lady is one great cook. I'd even suggest becoming a follower of hers so you won't miss any of the delicious recipes she posts daily!

As a recipient of this award we're asked to pass on the award to 15 others. There are so many terrific blogs out there now but these are some of my favorites. There's a link to each of them so you can enjoy them too.

  1. Amy @ Home Acre
  2. 50's Gal @ My Year 1955

Also I would like to say thank you to Sarah @ Sarah Over the Rainbow

Just a short while before I took my Bloggy Break in the Spring I won one of Sarah's fantastic giveaways. Imagine my surprise! I'm really not used to winning things! I thanked her through e-mail but not publicly. Anyway, I won the loveliest book from her and I wanted to say a proper thank you here on my blog . Her place reminds me of a lovely snapshot into a young family's life.

Finally I want to say thanks to Mikki @ Here's What Let's Do .

She helped me identify the plant I was asking about here in my California Dreaming post from last week. Sure enough it's a "Chenille Plant" just like she thought. I've been trying to find out what it was for several I've even found an online nursery that sells them. Yoo Whooo! So thanks Mikki for the help!

Oh, and a quick shout out to all my followers. I've visited all of you who have blogs and you're all so incredibly interesting. I know I'd have fun meeting all of you in person. And anyone else who wants to follow I'd love to have you! :)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. I'm always looking for new blogs to enjoy! Thanks for the list!

  2. Glad you finally found out what that plant was! It is so pretty...if its as soft and velvety as you described I can see why it is called a chenille plant.

  3. Hi Elaine...thank you for the award! I am honored and I feel the same way about your blog.

    We are getting ready for a busy weekend. Hope yours is all that you want it to be :)


  4. I'm so glad we all now know the name of that plant. I'll be on the lookout for it at the nursery.

    Congrats on your win as well as thank you for sharing such great links. And thank you SOO MUCH for the award. I'll try and shoot off a post later this weekend. Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Just stoppung by from SITS.
    Love the quote from Milne.

    drop by and say hi!

  6. Hi Elaine,
    Thanks so much for the are a sweetie to think of me! :-) I've just recently stopped posting awards on my blog because I just felt bad that I didn't have time to go through the process of giving them. But I did want you to know how appreciative I am that you would think of me! Congrats on receiving it yourself! :-)

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog and making a nice comment. I hope you will come back often and find something to brighten your day. The post today was way serious and my mom called me AND wrote me a note. Basically she said, "Next time you write a depressing post like that forewarn me so I won't read it." She actually knows both women too and enjoys my more motivational postings to start her day off right which means I started it off wrong today...LOL

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  8. Elaine, Just dropping by to say "hi". I checked out some of the blogs that you have listed. Nice! I'm a sucker for a "lovely blog"! lol Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Oh, and I forgot. Congratulatios on your award win too. I think you deserve it.

  10. Elaine, I am so honored that you would think of me with this award! I love your blog and plan to come by often. Congratulations to you and thanks so much!

  11. Elaine, Thanks for remembering me with that award. I will proudly display it on my sidebar with your name... THANKS again so much!!!!!

    We are home from our vacation --and had a wonderful trip. I celebrated my 67th birthday while there. Yipes!!!

    Thanks again.

  12. You're so sweet, Elaine, thank you! I look forward to coming back and reading more about what is happening in your life at home and about!

  13. Thank you Elaine for thinking of me with the award and for your kind words. I want to check out some of the others that you shared. There just never seems to be enough time to comment on all of them. I love yours. It really shows your artistic ability. See you on facebook.
    Love, Carolyn
