
Thursday, July 30, 2009

No Chef's Hat Required

That's right! You won't be needing a hat for this fact you won't even need a real recipe! And yet you'll get "rave reviews" everytime you make these brownies. I'm will. In fact there will be those who won't believe that you didn't actually use a recipe. They'll just think you don't want to share it with them! I really had someone say that to me one time when I told them I made them from a mix! Oh well, what's a girl to do? In some cases you'll just have to let them think you're a fabulous (albeit selfish) cook! :)
Yes they really are as good as they look (they come with references!)
The brownies that I'm talking about are made from the ordinary red boxed Betty Crocker Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix. The trick is to bake them your own way, not the way the directions tell you to. It's very simple. You just use two boxes of mix instead of one. Mix them in a large bowl and of course double all of the ingredients.....eggs, oil, and water. Then pour your mixture into just one 13 x 9 inch pan that you've greased the bottom of. Now notice I said pour it into only one pan.....not the two that they recommend. Bake for 55 more. In fact you want to take them out of the oven just before they look done to you. Just don't overbake them. They firm up even after they've been taken from the oven. After they cooled throughly, cut them into generous sized squares. Here's a tip for you......always use a serrated knife when you cut brownies. You will not believe how chunky, moist, and chewey these will be. Be sure to cover them with plastic wrap to store so they will stay nice and moist for several days......if they last that long!
These are great to make for bake sales. Determine the size of the brownies you want to sell, then wrap them individually in plastic wrap. Arrange them in a pretty basket for your display and they'll be sure to bring top dollar. They became a standard at my teenager's youth group bake sales.
You can also give them as a sweet gift for someone's birthday by fancying up the presentation. They make a wonderful little dessert if you're taking a dinner to someone who has been out of commission due to illness, etc. in their family, because they are so easy to transport.....and they come with a little cheerfulness inside each one. Finally these make super travelers.....for picnics or little lunches in the car on those family trips.
One year I baked several batches of brownies for my son and the van load of friends who were on their way to camp in Newport Beach. They all enjoyed a few on the way, but after that the rest of the brownies mysteriously disappeared! It is still rumored that a couple of counselors, who shall remain nameless, (but you know who you are) hid them in their tents creating their own private stashes! :0 LOL
Enjoy your brownies!

Stop on by Ann's place today at for plenty of yummy recipes.

And as usual there's lots of great food ideas over at Be sure to go on over and enjoy yourselves.

Today I'm also linked up to Friday Feasts at and

Family Recipes on Friday at and also at

Favorite Ingredients Friday at


  1. Interesting. Check out my most recent blog entry for bc boxed brownies. I think you'll really like it.

  2. Hi Elaine! Well you've done it again. My mouth is watering right now. Actually I love brownies but I hate it when they are thin and hard! These sound like they'd be just what I like. Big, moist, and chewey. I'll have to give this a try because I've never seemed to have gotten the hang of baking brownies. Maybe this time will be different!
    Hugs, Ginny

  3. Oh Good Morning Elaine!
    These sound so wonderful. I wonder if there is a way to make them for diabetics like me so that I could enjoy them. They sure do look scrumptous. Thanks for stopping by this morning. Country Hugs and love, Sherry

  4. I sent my husband off to work today with brownies that our daughter baked last night. Spreading the calories...I mean the love, seemed liked a nice gesture.

  5. I love 'the red box' brownies! And I am sure I will love them even more when I try them this way. Awesome!

    Only if I had the car today! :{
    I guess I will have to ask Hubby to pick up some on his way home tonight. Then I can make them tomorrow or maybe even at 11pm tonight!

    Thanks for the great tip and linking to Ann's site. Have a wonderful weekend.


  6. These are a classic! This week I did sangria fro recipe sharing. I hope you'll stop by my site and share this tasty post:

  7. Oh, Elaine!! I am SOO going to try that recipe. It sounds too easy and good to be true.LOL! I love brownies!

    BTW, Kerri from Quaint and Quirky wrote on her blog that Jessica has a free lesson every Friday. I'll have to check it out since today is Friday. :)

  8. My husband loves the dark chocolate brownies. I have never made them this way before. I'll have to surprise him with this! Thanks.


  9. Yum! Yum! It's brownies for lunch tomorrow!

  10. I love these as well. I'm guilty of adding in a handful or two of dark chocolate chips and/or toasted walnuts. OMGoodness:) I hope you will join me at for Crock Pot Wednesdays. Mister Linky is up and waiting for your recipe. There are some great giveaways for this first event.

  11. Oh I forgot to ask. Have you tried this with other brand of mixes? Just wondering if it would be as good.

  12. Ah yes cooking by the KISS method. Keep It Simple Sweetheart.

  13. Oh that looks AMAZING! My mom does the same thing, but she has this awesome mint topping she spreads on top. I will try to get the recipe from her and post it.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  14. Oh my goodness, there's nothing better than a delicious brownie and no chef's hat required ;)


  15. Awe---my mouth is watering just reading about these brownies. I will print out your instructions and try them. My mother-in-law used to make good Brownies --but she always over-cooked them.

    Can't wait to try these. Thanks!!!

  16. I have been wanting a hot fudge brownie sundae for a long time now....looking at your brownie, I see I am going to have to at least make brownies.

  17. My kind of recipe! You don't have to give me a recipe; you just tell me which aisle it's on in the grocery store. I will definitely give your tricks a try.

  18. answer your question....I've used other brands but I always like this one best.

  19. My kids have a bake sale coming up this week. Perfect. I'll give these a try!

  20. Sounds like a terrific tip, especially since I normally keep brownie mixes in the pantry. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Ohhhhhhhh yuuummmmmmmmmmmmy!

    m ^..^

  22. Twice as thick brownies? Sounds delicious to me!!

  23. For years, I was so embarassed when ever somebody asked for a recipe and I had to admit that my brownies were actually made from 2 boxes of Betty Crocker Fudge Brownies. I finally realized that instead of being shocked, my friends were relieved to find that they could easily replicate my "recipe".

  24. Do you ever have a problem with the middle brownies being undercooked? I seem to have that problem a lot and I've never tried to make 2 boxes at once. Hmm....

    Oh, and a tip for you, use a PLASTIC knife to cut your brownies and there will be no tearing or crumbling!

    Thanks for sharing!

    I hope you'll join me again this Friday for another Favorite Ingredients Friday!
