
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Garden in the Desert

I ventured into the garden this morning. This is the last of the tomatoes and least until September. Once the temps get so high the plants won't set anymore blooms....and without blooms there'll be no more fruit. So we are relishing these final few.


  1. Oh I am so glad you're back to blogging! Hope things are well with you. The last of the harvest is like gold, isn't it? LOL

  2. Visiting from SITS....mmmmmm they look yummy!

  3. In my opinion there's nothing like a homegrown tomato. Sure beats the plastic ones in the grocery store! I used to live in the desert so I know what you're talking about. Short growing seasons. But at least you get to garden in the winter while most of the country does not!

  4. Love the orange ones! ;)

    Stopping by from sits.

  5. Nice! I've still got some tomatoes and peppers growing here. I'm in AZ... I had to shade my peppers because some of them were getting burnt! Hi from SITS! Have a great day! :)

  6. Wow! Those are beautiful! You grew those? I have the brownest dang thumbs ever. Only thing I can grow that well is mildew. Stopped by from SITS. Enjoy your Thursday:)

  7. The last of the tomatoes?! I just got excited because I found some blossoms on mine! I'm pea green with envy!

  8. Your tomatoes and pepper look fabulous! I have a vegetable garden and the blooms are just beginning to set now! Your Snickerdoodle recipe looks fabulous - I must try it. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. Passing by from SITStas....veggies look great. Wishing you a wonderful day!

  10. Just saying hello from SITS.
    mmmmm... nothing better than garden vegetables ! ENJOY!

  11. Stopping by from SITS to say hi!!!

  12. Oh my goodness! YOU'RE BACK!! Hooray, hooray!! It's so good to see you posting again Elaine! Welcome back!

  13. Stopping by from SITS. So wish I had done a garden this year. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Wow, those are some yummy veggies! How wonderful to have that in your own back yard. Welcome to SITS! :)

  15. I've never had much luck with peppers for some reason but I can sure grow zuchinni! Of course I think just about anybody can grow zuchinni. LOL Liked your post....short and to the point. Great picture too. Good to see you back!

  16. I really love your blog! I just found it and I read all your posts. Can't wait to hear more from you.

  17. hey girl! thanks for stopping by my blog! i just want to eat one of those tomatoes!

  18. Hi! Stopping in from SITS. Looks yummy! Wish I had your green thumb! Fresh tomatoes are the best!

  19. Me again. Can you tell me how to become a follower of your blog? I'm new at this but I keep hearing people talk about it. I don't see a "followers" place on your site like on some others. Just curious.

  20. Me again. Again! I'll check back later to get an answer. Thanks!

  21. answer your question....I see you have a Blogger account so in your Blogger Toolbar you will find a place to click to become a follower. Just follow the instructions. I am planning on putting the "Followers" widget on my site very soon to make it easy for everyone. I overlooked the follower tab on my toolbar for quite some time so I know other people probably do that too! LOL

  22. They look fabulous!

    I stopped by to welcome you to SITS! It's great to have you in the SITStahood!

  23. Oh, those tomatoes look so good. Ours are just starting to come in. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Come back anytime you'd like!

  24. Hi from SITS...I had our first tomato for lunch today...

  25. there is nothing better than fresh from the garden fruits and veggies. We go to farmers market and get fresh but it still seems like it tastes better when it comes from your own garden.

  26. Yes but you also don't have to worry much about frost in the early spring! I lost almost all of my first planting this year to a late frost. I'm just now getting squash and as my 2 year old squeals with joy "MATOS!" Stopping by from the SITS Welcome crew to welcome ya.
