
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Christmas in July Part 4

     I'm hooked on having our "Christmas in July" every year. Some of you have asked me if we go all out and put up tree and all our decorations. The answer is definitely not.....way too much trouble! I do usually pull a couple of things out of storage for a tablescape or two as in Christmas in July Part 2, but that's about it as far as decorations go. When Christopher was younger there were years when we'd get a little ambitious and put up the little tabletop tree that he liked to put in his room over the holidays. Most years we just concentrate on the Christmas "doings" rather than the decorations........we have several mini-holiday meals, watch lots of Christmas movies, and some years buy one another little gifts. This year we gave each other gift cards to favorite stores. I try to keep it simple so it turns out to be fun...not work.

     At every holiday meal, including Easter I might add, we have my Mom's Banana Pudding. For years she was the one who always made it. For a long time I was hesitant to even try it, but in 2001 when she was here visiting for Christmas we carefully wrote down the recipe as she showed me each with many old family recipes, I don't think it had ever been written down before! Now after a few years of making it myself I'm fairly confident in doing so....but to me it still never tastes quite as good as when my Mom makes it! I think it's the love factor! Nothing ever tastes as good as something your Mom makes for you.

      So this year for our "Christmas in July" I made the Sweet Potato Pies (see Christmas in July Part 3), and the Banana Pudding. Though we haven't had Christmas meals all week, we have had these desserts in the fridge to enjoy........turns out to be so handy too because as some of you know I'm really big on cooking ahead because of the summer heat.

So here it is..........

Mom's Banana Pudding


1/2 cup of flour
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 cups evaporated milk
2 cups whole milk
3 eggs lightly beaten
1 1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 stick of room temperature butter
1 12 oz. box of quality vanilla wafers
6 or 7 medium bananas sliced into coins

To make:

Combine flour, sugar, salt, and 1/2 cup of the milk into a large thick-bottomed sauce pan. Mix well, then add eggs and remaining milk. Blend well ( a wire whisk works great) and cook on low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil and begins to thicken. It is very important that you stir continually ( especially once the mixture begins to heat up) to prevent it from sticking to the bottom. Remove from heat  and add vanilla and butter. Stir until butter is completely melted. In a large bowl layer bottom with vanilla wafers, some of the bananas, then pour in small amount of pudding. Repeat the layering process until you reach the top of the bowl. Garnish by standing more vanilla wafers along the top edge of your bowl and topping the final layer with a generous handful of crushed wafers. Serve chilled.

I've spent some time this past week doing a little advance planning, going on a few Christmas sites, flipping through some of my Holiday books, and in general having fun thinking about what I'd like Christmas this year to be like. I'll be sharing a little bit of this Saturday on my last post in the "Christmas in July" series. Please join me. :)

I'm participating this week in Hooked on Fridays at Julia's place. Be sure to go by over there and see what other's are hooked on today! ALSO.................
  For lots more yummy recipes be sure to drop by Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum
and Food on Fridays at Ann's place!


  1. Hi, Elaine! That looks like a great recipe. I have always enjoyed banana pudding. Let me ask you something. I'm not sure my pans would qualify as heavy bottomed, though they are stainless steel from Martha Stewart at K-Mart. Anyhow, do you think if I cooked it in a double boiler that would work??? It seems that I often get things stuck on the bottom of my pans.

    Happy Foodie Friday to you. I'm having a blog drawing, and I hope you'll enter your name.


    Sheila :-)

  2. Elaine, the best kind of banana pudding - from scratch. None of that instant stuff. Have a happy Friday! :)

  3. I've had banana pudding before but most of the time I think it was probably made with a boxed pudding. I bet homemade pudding tastes even better. I'm going to give this a try!

  4. what fun to celebrate in the summer! Although it reminds me of the funniest/saddest story my friend used to tell --- when she was growing up, her older siblings would wake her up on some abitrary day in the summer yelling "Maggie, Maggie it's Christmas, it's Christmas!! And she'd run down stairs and it was all a joke!! I'm glad you actually celebrate!!

  5. Your recipe sounds delicious. I, too, use a recipe that belonged to Mr. Sweet's mother and altho it taste good, it's never just like what she made. Love factor, I'm sure.
    Thanks for sharing...

  6. YUM! That looks way good!
    I will have to try it.

    Feel free to check out my brand new craft blog at

  7. Still enjoying reading your Christmas in July posts! Will be back Saturday. I'm trying to plan ahead this year. I'm always glad when I do!

  8. Banana pudding! I haven't had that in years! I think the last time was at a Luby's or something and believe me it was not a memorable eating experience (at least not in a good way! LOL) I'll have to give this a try.

  9. What a lovely tradition! This is my husband's favorite dessert--homemade, of course! We think you MUST use Jack's vanilla wafers!

  10. I love recipes that don't use boxed pudding, this one sounds and looks fab! Oh my goodness, one of our favorite local fast food places, called Cook-Out, has banana pudding milk shakes!!! Seriously yummy!

  11. I am so ready to lick the bowl:) Thanks for sharing.

  12. I haven't had this in years, but your "puddin" brought back some wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us.

  13. I LOVE banana pudding! I think I will make this for our holidays. Thanks for sharing! I I am visiting from Julia's party.

  14. The 'Love Factor' is such a true ingredient. It always make everything taste better. My mom's Love Factor has never been duplicated. I hope that someday, my children will feel the same way.

    Wonderful post and thanks for a 'now written' family favorite recipe.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  15. Banana pudding is a favorite in my house. Might try yours:)

  16. I have never had banana pudding. Sounds so creamy and good. Comfort food at it's best.

  17. Hi Elaine, I'm hooked on your Christmas in July posts. l LOVE them. The Banana Pudding recipe looks fabulous. Thanks!!!! You are so lucky to still have your Mom with you --so that you can get her old recipes. My Mom died in 1991--and I don't have many of her recipes... DARN!!!!

    Have a great Christmas in July.

  18. OMGosh that looks so Yummy thanks for the recipe

    COme on by for a visit

    See you then

  19. Banana pudding rocks! This looks like a great recipe.
    Merry Christmas in July!

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  20. How fun! I've been wanting to do Christmas in July for a long time.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  21. YUM on both of these. I'm so impressed that you could pull together Christmas in July. I'm still in shock that Hob Lob had decorations out in June! Beginning August 5, I will be hosting Crock Pot Wednesdays at I hope you will join me and, hopefully, share in the giveaways:) Mister Linky is up and waiting for your entry.

  22. YUMMY My Mom use to make this pudding all the time too! this makes me want to make some . thanks!

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