
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Christmas in July Part 3

Once again I had to do the baking in the morning because of the heat......but once the pies began to bake the house really did smell like Christmas. My post today is a recipe for Southern Sweet Potato Pie, my Dad's recipe. I can't remember a Christmas when we didn't have several of these sitting out on the counter during the Holidays. While I realize sweet potato pie is something you can enjoy year round, to me it just says Christmas so I have to include it in our little "Christmas in July" celebration.

Daddy's Southern Sweet Potato Pie
3 medium sweet potatoes
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 cup sugar
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 can evaporated milk, 12 oz.
1/4 stick of butter, cut into 6 pieces, room temperature
Boil sweet potatoes with jackets on until they are tender. Place them on foil or wax paper on counter until they cool. At this point the jackets should slip off the potatoes very easily. In a large bowl mash up the sweet potatoes until they are smooth but still course in texture. Add cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and the sugar and mix well. To this add the beaten egg, evaporated milk, and butter. Butter pieces do not need to be mixed in completely. Pour into two 8 inch pie crusts or into 1 large deep dish pie crust. Bake on a cookie sheet at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn temperature to 350 degrees and bake for another 45 - 50 minutes. Pies are done when toothpick in center comes out clean. When pie cools serve with a big dollop of whipped cream!


.............a little planning in July goes a long way in December. Join me next week for tips, book recommendations, and some really great links!
There's a great Recipe Swap going on over at Go on over for some great cooking ideas!

Drop by at Designs by Gollum for more delicious recipes

Also Ann has some great recipes over at her site today.


  1. I always make sweet potato pie for the holidays. Now, because of your recipe i will need to make one sooner. I guess maybe thats why we have Christmas in July, so we can make all those Great holiday recipe in the summer. Thanks!!! Geri

  2. As a Canadian uninitiated in the ways of Sweet Potato Pies don't be offended when I ask if it is like a pumpkin pie?
    Sounds the same to me and I love pumpkin pie.

  3. yum Yum YUM! I always do Sweet Potato pies for the holidays.. they're so great I should do more often.

  4. Oh Elaine, I can almost smell that pie cooking... YUMMMMMMMMMMM.... It wouldn't need to be Christmas for me to enjoy THAT pie....

    Thanks for the recipe.

  5. How great does that look! Thanks so much fro sharing the recipe with us. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Oh Elaine, Open the door girl, I am knocking. That pie looks absolutely scrumpous. Yum yum for a Friday foodie. Love, love, love it. Thanks so much for sharing today, and a wonderful post. Have a GREAT day. Country hugs, Sherry

  7. Let me tell you, I love sweet potato pie. It ranks right up there as one of my favorites. But can you believe it? I've never made one. I guess I'll just have to give this one a try! By the way, I've been enjoying your Christmas in July posts!

  8. Just coming over from SITS. I love to make sweet potato pies too. And I LOVE how "homey" pies make a house smell.

    Have a great day!

  9. My sister-in-law made sweet potato pie one time and I *loved* it. I'm going to try this sometime for sure. I like pies; I just rarely make them. Fun to see the Christmas in July theme!

  10. Oh my goodness!! Does this say delicious or what. Thanks so much. Beginning August 5, I will be hosting Crock Pot Wednesdays at, and I hope you will join me. THERE WILL BE PRIZES:)!!!

  11. Your pie looks wonderful:) I like Sweet Potato Pie for Thanksgiving. It is a great holiday favorite:)

  12. I have been missing out! I have never had sweet potato pie, although I know I would love it. So I am going to make one! Thanks for the great post and recipe.

    I love the idea of Christmas in July, although I have not read your Blog yet, I am sure I will even love Christmas in July more. We do have craft sales in July as a jump on December, but ....... I like the idea of having some Christmas food in July......

    Thanks for making me think, and salivate for your delicious pie.


    My Food on Fridays Post

  13. I love sweet potato pie. Thanks for the recipe, I won't have to wait for the holidays!

  14. I so much prefer sweet potato pie to pumpkin pie!! I think your Dad's recipe is perfect and it sure does look good. I can imagine how wonderful your house smells when you're baking this.

  15. In our family we have 4 summer birthdays (3 in July, 1 in August). Some years, we celebrate all of them together with a Christmas in July dinner. We will be doing it this year!

  16. i want some sweet potato pie...Lynn

  17. Lori, I bet Canadians would like sweet potato pie too. LOL You're right in assuming it is similar to pumpkin pie. Still the taste is very different and the texture a little heartier. You definitely should try it sometime. :)

  18. I have actually made Sweet Potato pie for Thanksgiving one year. My "Out"laws were confused. They didn't know if they should eat it as a dessert or a side dish - oh brother! ~ Robyn

  19. All of a sudden, I'm fighting the need to bake a pie this morning! Yikes that looks delish. I have to say I've never made a sweet potato pie but I'll have to give this one a whirl... and I'm not waiting for the Holidays. Thanks for sharing. =0)

  20. Hi Elaine, Its Amber from Happy Chickadee. Thanks so much for your sweet post! I am glad you found some things that you liked. I am going to have to make this Sweet Potato Pie! I am not a southerner at all but I am a sucker for all Southern food- Paula Deen Cookbooks are my staple. Thanks again and Best of luck!

  21. awesome! I have just heard about sweet potato pie -- my hubby's allergic to pumpkin, so this is going to be our replacement :)

  22. Yum! That just looks like Christmas.
