
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another Rainy Sunday

Good afternoon from Phoenix......its raining here today so you know I'm lovin' it!
No rainy day cookies today though since we're working on some projects around the house. Usually I like to reserve Sunday afternoon for Scrapbooking but we're on the tail-end of laying our wood floor ( just a small hallway to finish) so that takes precedence over everything else today.
Valentines Day is coming up this week. Just a little reminder to do something nice for your sweetheart....I know we always expect them to do something romantic for us and then sometimes we neglect to do something for them. Do something for the other special people in your lives this week too! Everybody likes to get a little something for Valentines Day!
I want to thank Yaya at Chronicles of Yaya Orchid for giving me the Kreativ Blogger Award. She's one of the first friends I made when I started on this blogging adventure a few weeks ago. Be sure to go over and visit her.....she's a dedicated and inspiring Christian lady. I know you'll like some of her recipes...she's got some great Mexican dishes you'll want to try. Christopher had been after me to make a chorizo dish after he had tasted some at a friends house last year. Well, I had no idea how to cook it until I came across Yaya's recipe for Chorizo con Huevos. With some warm flour toritillas it was an instant breakfast hit around here.
There are a few fun little rules that go along with the award. First you put the award on your sidebar, then you have to list seven things you love. Finally you present the award to seven other bloggers and notify them on their site. So hear goes.......
I LOVE.....
1. roses, gardenias, and hydrangeas
2. organizing and planning
3. being a wife, mom, and now a "nana"
4. knowing the Word has the answer for every single thing in my life
5. reading, reading, reading
6. eating fruits and vegetables from my own garden
7. sleeping by an open window
8. FREEBIE.....having sisters that are my best friends!
Wow that was difficult naming just seven (okay eight) things..........I have a list I've been compiling for years....maybe Freebie # 9 should be "I love to make lists".....Anyway I have over 500 things on my list so you all are getting an idea of what I'm REALLY like. :0
As for the blogs to pass it on to:
Lulu at Lulu & co.
Rachel Ann at Rachel Ann's Place
Lisa at aka West
Have a blessed week everyone!


  1. Elaine looks like I'm the first one to comment this time. Hey I liked your 'I Love" list especially #8 about your sisters. I have three brothers that are so cool but I always thought I kind of missed out a little by not having a sister. Anyway I thought that was sweet!

  2. sure to take pix of the new wood floor. Sounds beautiful!

  3. Elaine, my first award! I'm so excited, what a nice way to start my Monday!Oh I like your "love" list!!!!

  4. -Somehow I could tell from your other posts that you're an organizer and a listmaker! LOL
    Me too, so we're kindred spirits!No wonder I like your blog so much.

  5. Elaine I ♥♥♥ your ♥ list! It is so much fun reading them and getting to know you. Thank you for the nice comments you made about my blog. :)

    Glad you got some rain, we've been in a most desperate drought for the longest time now :(

  6. Thank you for choosing me! I will write my seven post soon, hopefully tomorrow!!!

  7. Hi Elaine! Thanks for giving me the award! You're so sweet! I hope your flooring experience has ended well ~ we have some wood floors that NEED to be repaired sooo badly. I look forward to seeing pics of the new floor. :-)

  8. I love your list and thank you so much for the award. Congrats on your award. I still wish I knew how to eat with chop sticks. lol I haven't been on the pc for several days. That was a very hard post for me and almost deleted it. But May it help someone else would be great. I try and remember to do this, this week if I do not remind me. I have grands all week and I thought four children under 5 years of age could drain your strength. Hopefully I will get caught up. Until then Have A Lovely Week.
