
Monday, January 5, 2009

Over the Rainbow Cookies

Yesterday was one of our rare rainy days in Phoenix. While much of the time I enjoy our mild winters and sunny days, I have to admit I love to wake up to the sound of rain. I'm always torn between wanting to snuggle up by the fire with a good book and enjoy a cozy day inside, or on the other hand wanting to get outside and enjoy it. I know some of you may not understand that, but around here a nice rain is something to get excited about. Yesterday being Sunday, I was able to do both. In the afternoon Jim built a fire for me in the fireplace and among other projects (like continuing to put away Christmas decorations), I got out a favorite old cookbook and made some Over the Rainbow Cookies. Actually we usually just call them "rainy day cookies". It was always fun to do this when my kids were little, and you know what? It's still fun.
These are super quick and easy because you use the prepared roll of cookie dough. The recipe comes from a small paperback cookbook from Pillsbury called "Children's Choice Cookbook". I think it cost me all of $1.98 back in 1982, but I have gotten as much , if not more, use from it than many of my other more expensive ones. These are lovely cookies to make on a rainy day. You can store them in an airtight container and they keep very well, but let me warn you....they won't last long. If you have a favorite sugar cookie recipe you can use it and add different flavorings to it such as almond or orange or even lemon......they're really tasty that way.
Actually, did you know it is so simple to make your own cookie dough rolls and freeze them? Then you can have them on hand whenever you decide to do quick baking like this. I plan to do a post in the near future on some of my favorite homemade mixes and I'll include one for the sugar cookie rolls.
In any case these are particularly fun and easy to make. Today I woke up to a bright, sunny Phoenix morning. It was lovely.....temps in the sixties.......I got some work done out on the patio that I have been planning to do. I've got to say though.....I certainly enjoyed having a couple of "rainy day cookies" for lunch to remind me of yesterday.
Over the Rainbow Cookies
17 ounce roll Pillsbury Slice and Bake Sugar Cookies Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow Food Coloring
Small amount of Sugar
Allow dough to soften at room temperature. Divide dough into four equal parts. To first portion of dough, add 2 drops blue food coloring; to second portion add 2 drops of green coloring;
to third portion, add 2 drops red coloring; and to fourth portion, add 2 drops of the yellow coloring. On a sheet of plastic wrap or wax paper, shape green dough into an 8-inch log. Press dough slightly to flatten one side. Cover roll carefully with blue dough, keeping semi-circular shape. Continue layering yellow and red doughs in same manner, gently pressing layers of dough together. Wrap; chill until firm, about 3 hours.
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Using a sharp knife, slice roll into 1/8 inch slices. Place cookies, 1 inch apart, on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until edges are very lightly browned; sprinkle lightly with sugar. Cool slightly before removing from cookie sheet. Makes about 3 dozen cookies.


  1. I love to do special things with my kids. Next time it rains I think I'll make some of these. Thanks!

  2. I would enjoy a post about the sugar cookie rolls! Over Christmas I thought "there must be an easier way" as I rolled out yet another batch of gingerbread cookies.

  3. That's so clever! We'll have to try it. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  4. Oh, what a fun and pretty recipe! Thank you for sharing!

  5. I'll be looking forward to your post about the cookie dough rolls.

  6. Hi Elaine~
    Thanks for visiting..... I just read your post about the gingerbread cookies~ can't wait to try those next year, I hope that you will remind us all again! Love your Dan's Bible, what a very special gift! I'll pop back for a visit again!


  7. Hello! lovely to meet you. I'm here from SITS. :)

    This cookies are darling. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Those are cute cookies.(I deleted before, because the photo didn't load, so my comment didn't make sense. Now I can see the cookies!)

    I am going to send the recipe to my older daughter. She is always borrowing her friend's kids to do activities. This would be something she would like a lot.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. BG is not a happy camper, as I wouldn't drive her to chess in the blowing snow.

  10. Hi, I was under you this morning at SITS.

    I love the idea of rainbow cookies. Ive never tried the premade dough.

    oh, and I LOVE how rainy and overcast its been lately.

  11. Now that's a fun project to do with the grandkids!

    Thanks for the visit...and good luck with the cast iron skillet!

  12. These cookies look yummy, almost to pretty and cheerful to eat...nah...take a bite.
    Love & Prayers,

  13. I came over to look at your show and tell and wound up lookng at this cookie recipe too. Yum. Don't forget to post soon about the cookie dough rolls.....I'll be waiting.
